Not Only Harley-Davidson, This Brand Also Has A Dashing Motor Cruiser, Peek Here Honda Magna 50

Not Only Harley-Davidson, This Brand Also Has A Dashing Motor Cruiser, Peek Here Honda Magna 50

MOTOR – Talking about the dashing cruiser motorcycle, not only the Harley-Davidson, but also the Honda manufacturer. If you hear the type of Cruiser motor, it will be immediately identical with the US alert moge, Harley-Davidson. This type of motorcycle cruiser typically has a large size, width and a very loud engine roar. Yes, … Read more

Rewire: the new Harley-Davidson strategy

Rewire: the new Harley-Davidson strategy

The Milwaukee brand has changed its president recently: Jochen Zeitz has launched a new strategy, Rewire, to reconnect with its fundamentals. After many years of loyal service, Harley-Davidson CEO Matt Levatich was recently thanked. It was he who had notably carried the “more roads to Harley-Davidson” strategy, with a daring product plan consisting notably of … Read more

Crisis and no end: Harley-Davidson boss resigns

Crisis and no end: Harley-Davidson boss resigns

Saturday February 29, 2020 – The more than 116-year-old cult motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson has developed from a US flagship company into a problem case. Now Chef Levatich throws in the towel. A well-known German business manager succeeds him – but only temporarily. The head of the troubled US motorcycle icon Harley-Davidson, Matt Levatich, takes off … Read more

Motorcycle manufacturer weakens: Harley-Davidson share continues to plunge

Motorcycle manufacturer weakens: Harley-Davidson share continues to plunge

After punitive tariffs and boycott calls from US President Trump, motorcycle icon Harley-Davidson does not come out of the crisis. The company’s share sinks. Fourth quarter sales decreased 8.5 percent year over year to $ 874 million, the company said in Milwaukee on Tuesday. Harley-Davidson continues to groan under that instigated by the US government … Read more