Some restaurants no longer want to split the bill, others do. How did that happen?

Some restaurants no longer want to split the bill, others do.  How did that happen?

In the Barisdam restaurant in Kortemark it is literally on the menu: “Per table, 1 bill. If you pay separately, a transaction fee will be charged.” But also in other restaurants it is becoming increasingly difficult to divide the bill among several people, and even impossible to split the VAT receipt. However, customers often ask … Read more

“97-year-old Holocaust Survivor, Dr. Leon Weintraub, Captivates Listeners at Niederrhein University Lecture”

“97-year-old Holocaust Survivor, Dr. Leon Weintraub, Captivates Listeners at Niederrhein University Lecture”

Leon Weintraub fascinates his listeners in the Audimax on the campus of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. It’s not just students, but also many “older semesters” who follow the lecture of the 97-year-old doctor spellbound and in silence. Weintraub, who was awarded the Paracelsus Medal a few days ago at the German Doctors’ Day … Read more

“Why the Inner Planets of the Solar System Haven’t Collided: Scientists Explain”

“Why the Inner Planets of the Solar System Haven’t Collided: Scientists Explain” – Scientists say that the orbits of the planets of the inner solar system that include Earth should have collided with each other a long time ago, but that has not happened until recently. It should be noted that the inner solar system in question includes four planets namely Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. … Read more