Ambassadors, dignitaries gather at Korea Times’ concert to promote Busan’s World Expo bid

Ambassadors, dignitaries gather at Korea Times’ concert to promote Busan’s World Expo bid

Chairman Seung Myung-ho of The Korea Times and the Hankook Ilbo, front row fifth from left, Busan Mayor Park Heong-joon, front row fourth from left, Korea University President Kim Dong-won, front row fifth from right, The Korea Times President-Publisher Oh Young-jin, second row fourth from left, and the Hankook Ilbo CEO Lee Sung-chul, second row … Read more

Orthostatic hypotension, ‘Valsalva maneuver’ increases diagnosis rate – Korea Times

Orthostatic hypotension, ‘Valsalva maneuver’ increases diagnosis rate – Korea Times

▶ Valsalva technique, heart rate and blood pressure measurement while breathing with abdominals Diagnosing orthostatic hypotension with the Valsalva maneuver. [고려대 안암병원 제공] A study has found that the diagnosis rate of orthostatic hypotension can be increased with the ‘Valsalva maneuver’, which measures changes in heart rate and blood pressure while breathing through the stomach. … Read more