Mobiliar did not miss the gold boom

Mobiliar did not miss the gold boom

Switzerland’s oldest private insurance company has significantly increased its half-year profit. It has collected more premiums and benefited from the good performance of the stock markets – and also from the soaring price of gold. The Mobiliar Group can look back on a positive first half of the year, with both premium volume and profit … Read more

Banca Stato grants more loans to private individuals and companies

Banca Stato grants more loans to private individuals and companies

The Ticino Cantonal Bank is satisfied with its half-year result for 2024, although it is significantly below the previous year. The high increase in operating expenses does not seem to worry them either. The Ticino Cantonal Bank (Banca Stato) generated a business result of 85.7 million Swiss francs in the first half of 2024 that … Read more

BCV is a little more leisurely

BCV is a little more leisurely

The Vaud Cantonal Bank has reported stable earnings overall and has issued significantly more mortgages. However, operating expenses have also increased, so that group profit no longer reaches the level of the first half of 2023. After its record year in 2023, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV) has slowed down somewhat. Its annual report presented on … Read more