Understanding and Managing Tonsil Stones: Causes and Solutions

Understanding and Managing Tonsil Stones: Causes and Solutions

No matter how hard you brush your teeth and gargle, there are times when bad breath doesn’t go away. If you do not have any dental or gastrointestinal disease and have bad breath despite keeping your mouth clean, you may suspect ‘tonsil stones’. Together with Haidak experts, we learned about the causes of tonsil stones … Read more

How to Achieve Square Shoulders and Relieve Shoulder Pain

How to Achieve Square Shoulders and Relieve Shoulder Pain

Recently, ‘right-angled shoulders’ are popular among young people. As proof of this, it is easy to find content that introduces how to make a right angle shoulder on various platforms. However, modern people who use computers or smartphones for long periods of time tend to have ’round shoulders’ rather than right-angled shoulders. In addition, if … Read more

Understanding Sare: The Link to Aspiration Pneumonia

Understanding Sare: The Link to Aspiration Pneumonia

Everyone can get goosebumps while eating at least once. However, if such incidents occur frequently, you must be vigilant and deal with them. This is because it can lead to serious problems such as aspiration pneumonia if left untreated. We learned more about the disease that causes sare and the aspiration pneumonia that can result … Read more

Causes and Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Causes and Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

When fatigue accumulates, ‘dark circles’ under the eyes often settle down without fail. Dark circles are not an official medical term for dark circles under the eyes. It is a symptom caused by blood vessel see-through, and when red capillaries and dark blue veins are reflected on the thin skin under the eyes, it looks … Read more

The Impact of Smartphone Usage on Hemorrhoids and Tips for Prevention

The Impact of Smartphone Usage on Hemorrhoids and Tips for Prevention

Digital devices are indispensable in the daily life of modern people. This series was planned to ‘log out’ from various diseases caused by digital devices and media. We deliver fruitful information to keep you healthy in a daily life obsessed with digital devices. There is a story from old times that you need to focus … Read more

Interview with Dr. Ryu Jae-chun: The Rising Prevalence of Heart Failure in an Aging Society

Interview with Dr. Ryu Jae-chun: The Rising Prevalence of Heart Failure in an Aging Society

|Interview]Dr. Ryu Jae-chun, a cardiologist|The number of patients with heart failure increases significantly with an aging society|Echocardiography is basic and essential for heart failure treatment Heart failure is a functional or structural abnormality of the heart that causes problems with the pumping (expelling blood) function or filling (receiving blood) function of the ventricles. Symptoms such … Read more

Tips for Effective First Aid and Management of Burns

Tips for Effective First Aid and Management of Burns

Burns are skin diseases that can cause pain as well as severe scarring. If a large scar is left, psychological pain may come. In order to prevent the pain and severe scarring of these burns, treatment and correct management are more important than anything else. Together with Haidac experts, we learned about first aid and … Read more

The Link Between Insulin and Obesity: Exploring the Role of Diet and Hormones

The Link Between Insulin and Obesity: Exploring the Role of Diet and Hormones

Haidak Medical Reporter Director Kim Ji-seungã…£Source: Haidak If you look at health-related news or articles these days, you can often hear that the average weight and obesity rate are gradually increasing worldwide. Medicine has developed and diet-related foods have increased incomparably to the past, so I would like to take the time to find out … Read more

Understanding and Managing Red Dots on the Skin

Understanding and Managing Red Dots on the Skin

Among the many things that happen to our body, there is one thing that we are particularly concerned about. That’s the ‘red dot’. Red dots caused by herpes simplex, dermatitis, or petechial hemorrhage are not a big problem, but they may not look good in appearance and may cause complications, so it is necessary to … Read more

The Negative Effects of Short-Form Viewing: Smartphone Addiction and Popcorn Brain Phenomenon

The Negative Effects of Short-Form Viewing: Smartphone Addiction and Popcorn Brain Phenomenon

Digital devices are indispensable in the daily life of modern people. This series was planned to ‘log out’ from various diseases caused by digital devices and media. We deliver fruitful information to keep you healthy in a daily life obsessed with digital devices. Recently, ‘Short-form’, which consists of short videos of about 1 minute, is … Read more