5 Common Habits That Increase Your Diabetes Risk, Experts: Stopping junk food is just the start

5 Common Habits That Increase Your Diabetes Risk, Experts: Stopping junk food is just the start

INFOSEMARANGRAYA.COM – Eating a healthy diet is perhaps the most cutting-related lifestyle choice risk Diabetes type 2. Avoiding sugary, fried, and processed foods and eating a healthy diet that includes berries, fish, and green vegetables is important for reducing risk Diabetes type 2. In fact, a lot habit other everyday things that can help you … Read more

7 signs of diabetes in the morning, you need to be careful!

7 signs of diabetes in the morning, you need to be careful!

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Appearance diabetes often not realized so that do the treatment so late. There are several signs of diabetes in the morning that often appear but are often not realized. Diabetes is often called the “silent killer” disease because it gradually causes serious complications such as heart problems, kidney damage, vision problems, … Read more