Yilan fishermen caught a rare size “Dragon Palace Shell” and sold it! 1 Reason: Not selling to buyer with highest bid price of 160,000-Mirror Media

Yilan fishermen caught a rare size “Dragon Palace Shell” and sold it! 1 Reason: Not selling to buyer with highest bid price of 160,000-Mirror Media

2024.09.24 09:16 Taipei time current events “Dragon Palace Weng Rong Luo”, commonly known as “Dragon Palace Shell”, is an extremely precious and rare deep-sea creature. (Photo taken from Taiwan Museum Facebook) Release time: 2024.09.24 09:16 Taipei Time Update time: 2024.09.24 09:16 Taipei time art fishingnational museumGuishan Islandfishermenspread On the 21st, a fisherman named Lin from … Read more