“US GDP Growth Slows Sharply, Settles at 1.1% in First Quarter 2023”

“US GDP Growth Slows Sharply, Settles at 1.1% in First Quarter 2023”

US growth fell to 1.1% in the first quarter, compared to 2.6% in the last three months of 2022. By Le Figaro with AFP Posted on 04/27/2023 at 2:50 p.m.update on 04/27/2023 at 14:59 This content is not accessible. This figure is well below the expectations of analysts, who had rather expected growth of 2% … Read more

Growth of 2.6% at an annualized rate for the fourth quarter in USA, revised downwards.

Growth of 2.6% at an annualized rate for the fourth quarter in USA, revised downwards.

By Le Figaro with AFP Posted on 03/30/2023 at 15:15update on 03/30/2023 at 15:23 This content is not accessible. The Commerce Department originally predicted growth of 2.9%. LALAKA / stock.adobe.com The GDP growth of the UNITED STATES in the fourth quarter of 2022 was revised down again on Thursday, for the second time, to 2.6%, … Read more

Regional companies’ reliance on foreign trade is growing rapidly.

Regional companies’ reliance on foreign trade is growing rapidly.

Status: 03/22/2023 07:02 a.m Companies in the region mainly export to the USA and China. (icon picture) Foreign trade has become increasingly important for companies in the Osnabrück-Emsland-Grafschaft Bentheim region in recent years. This emerges from an analysis by the regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). According to this, the export rate of companies … Read more

Paraguayan canola: growing demand and great planting capacity in the country

Paraguayan canola: growing demand and great planting capacity in the country

Within the framework of a training on the care and news of Canola in Paraguay, the agronomist Nilson Osterlein, responsible for research and technical advice to producers of the CW Trading firm, gave a technical talk addressed to producers who attended the expo Agroshow Copronar and I also spoke with Valor Agro about the scope … Read more

Moody’s forecasts lower growth in Latin America | International

Moody’s forecasts lower growth in Latin America |  International

The perspectives of the risk rating agency Moody’s for Latin America they are negative due to the lower growth expected and higher financing costs that will be a challenge for domestic politics, according to what one of its representatives said this Thursday at the CIO Summit LatAm Edition. (Moodys highlights the strength of the economy … Read more

For its new year, China fears water whiplash – Liberation

For its new year, China fears water whiplash – Liberation

Analyse Article reserved for subscribers Uncontrolled Covid epidemic on the eve of the holidays, real estate sector in crisis, negative demographics, economic growth at half mast, explosive social climate… The Lunar New Year opens a difficult period for the Asian giant. Imagine that a few days before the New Year your phone displays a red … Read more

Second largest increase in southern Baden – Emmendingen district

Second largest increase in southern Baden – Emmendingen district

A third more people live in the district of Emmendingen than 50 years ago. It has had more growth than Freiburg, but less than the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district. Since the 1973 district reform, the number of inhabitants in the Emmendingen district has increased by 32.9%. This is what emerges from a press release from the State … Read more

“50 questions on the IMF loan”, the reasons for the agreement and Egypt’s gains. Infograph

“50 questions on the IMF loan”, the reasons for the agreement and Egypt’s gains.  Infograph

The Ministerial Council’s Information and Decision Support Center prepared a document to answer the most important questions raised regarding the cooperation between Egypt and the International Monetary Fund, including 50 questions and answers on the matter, which included the reasons which prompted Egypt to conclude a 46-month extended facilitation agreement, worth US$3 billion, with IMF … Read more