Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital: Weekend Vaccination for Children Under 5 Years

Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital: Weekend Vaccination for Children Under 5 Years

He Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital work this weekend like vaccinodrome for children who have between 6 months and 5 years (without complying) and who had not yet been immunized against the flu. Families come with an appointment sent to their mobile phone by the Department of Health. The operation will be repeated next weekend, with new … Read more

Sanidade Flu Vaccine Appointments for Children 6-59 Months

Sanidade Flu Vaccine Appointments for Children 6-59 Months

Sanidade appoints children from 6 to 59 months for the flu vaccineEP The General Directorate of Public Health has begun to summon parents of children between 6 and 59 months by SMS to come and vaccinate their children against the flu on the weekends of November 18 and 19 and 25 and 26 of the … Read more

2023-2024 Flu and Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign in Andalusia

2023-2024 Flu and Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign in Andalusia

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia began the first phase of the 2023-2024 vaccination campaign against flu and Covid-19 on October 9 and, a month later, 112,000 doses of the vaccine have been reached. flu and 83,475 to deal with Covid in the province of Cádiz. In total, one … Read more

The Spanish Society of Epidemiology Addresses Flu and Monkeypox Vaccines

The Spanish Society of Epidemiology Addresses Flu and Monkeypox Vaccines

The Spanish Society of Epidemiology recalled that the flu vaccine reduces the risk of contracting pneumonia. He did so at the Vaccination Conference of this entity, held at the Carlos III Health Institute. In addition, he addressed the importance of the monkeypox vaccine, which is helping to reduce cases of this disease. The day was … Read more

Flu Vaccination Campaign in Valencia: Nearly 400,000 Doses Administered

Flu Vaccination Campaign in Valencia: Nearly 400,000 Doses Administered

VALENCIA (EP). The Ministry of Health has administered nearly 400,000 doses of flu vaccines since the vaccination campaign began in the 2023-2024 season on October 16. Specifically, there have been a total of 399,514 doses administered until November 2. If compared to the same period of the previous year, in which 330,178 doses were administered, … Read more

Flu Vaccine Campaign: Over 1,000 Children Vaccinated in First Three Weeks

Flu Vaccine Campaign: Over 1,000 Children Vaccinated in First Three Weeks

More than a thousand children between 6 months and 5 years old (1,021, specifically) have received the flu vaccine in the first three weeks of the campaign, according to official data from the Ministry of Health. This means that just over 9% of children of these ages have already responded to the invitation to protect … Read more

Low Uptake of Covid-19 Booster Vaccines Among Elderly in Castilla y León Compared to Flu Vaccination Rates

Low Uptake of Covid-19 Booster Vaccines Among Elderly in Castilla y León Compared to Flu Vaccination Rates

Only two in ten people over 60 years of age in Castilla y León have chosen to receive the booster dose of the covid-19 vaccine that the Ministry of Health has administered since the beginning of October. A rate that contrasts with the fact that two thirds of the at-risk population have already been vaccinated … Read more

The Best Plan for Winter: Vaccination Against Flu, Covid-19, and Pneumonia

The Best Plan for Winter: Vaccination Against Flu, Covid-19, and Pneumonia

‘The best plan for this winter’ is the motto with which the Spanish Association of Vaccinology wants to raise awareness among the population to get vaccinated now to be protected during the winter. With this campaign, the AEV invites people aged 60 or over and the vulnerable population to get vaccinated against flu, Covid-19 and … Read more

Galicia Flu Vaccination Campaign: Clinical Trial for High Dose Vaccine for Age 65-79

Galicia Flu Vaccination Campaign: Clinical Trial for High Dose Vaccine for Age 65-79

In the current flu vaccination campaign in Galicia, two vaccines are administered: one with a standard dose and another with a booster dose – with a greater amount of antigen. The latter is administered to those over 80 years of age because it has been shown to be more effective in preventing complications in this … Read more