Canarian Health Service launches flu and covid vaccination campaign for 2023/2024 season

Canarian Health Service launches flu and covid vaccination campaign for 2023/2024 season

“This fall it’s time to roll up your sleeves.” This is the motto chosen by the Canarian Health Service to start the campaign against flu and covid for the 2023/2024 season. For this task, the Archipelago has acquired 335,000 doses through an investment of almost three million euros to protect the population and minimize health … Read more

Double Vaccination Campaign for Flu and Covid: Immunization for a Healthy Winter

Double Vaccination Campaign for Flu and Covid: Immunization for a Healthy Winter

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 10:13 p.m. Summer seems to have not yet left the closet or the thermometers, which record the highest temperatures of this good ‘summer’ that October is becoming. The environment does not make people pay attention to the flu and other infections, for whose immunization the vaccination campaign is already active. The … Read more

Spanish Society of Epidemiology Publishes Guide on Covid-19 and Flu Vaccination Campaign

Spanish Society of Epidemiology Publishes Guide on Covid-19 and Flu Vaccination Campaign

A healthcare professional prepares a vaccine 08 Oct 2023 11:53H MADRID SERVIMEDIA × The text has been successfully copied to the clipboard The Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE), through its Working Group on Vaccinations, has published a guide that answers the most frequently asked questions of citizens about the vaccination campaign against covid-19 and flu, … Read more

The Importance of Vaccination for Respiratory Symptoms: Insights from Infectious Disease Doctor, Ricardo Teijeiro

The Importance of Vaccination for Respiratory Symptoms: Insights from Infectious Disease Doctor, Ricardo Teijeiro

Ricardo Teijeiro (58,065), an infectious disease doctor, indicated that the increase in respiratory symptoms (20%) is due to the time of year and the lack of vaccination. “During this time every year we have an increase in respiratory symptoms and we have to add the pathologies that are a product of allergies and bacterial and … Read more

Definitive Dates and Age Reduction: Covid and Flu Vaccination Schedule in Andalusia

Definitive Dates and Age Reduction: Covid and Flu Vaccination Schedule in Andalusia

The Ministry of Health of the Government of Andalusia has set the definitive dates of the vaccination schedule against Covid and flu. As announced this Tuesday after the weekly meeting of the Government Council, this year’s campaign will start next Monday October 9, moving one week ahead of the initially planned deadlines. Furthermore, and as … Read more

Flu vs COVID: Why Vaccinating Children is Crucial

Flu vs COVID: Why Vaccinating Children is Crucial

«More children die from flu than from covid. Vaccinating them is important »Fernando Bustamante It’s one of the Most reputable virologists and vaccine researchers on an international level. Alfredo García Sastre (Burgos, 1964) was in Valencia a few days ago at the ninth summit of the European Influenza Working Group (ESWI), a meeting at the … Read more

Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign for Institutionalized and General Population in San Antonio de Padua and Surrounding Residences

Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign for Institutionalized and General Population in San Antonio de Padua and Surrounding Residences

Next Tuesday, October 3, the vaccination campaign against flu and covid-19 will begin with institutionalized people, specifically in the San Antonio de Padua, Hogar San José, San Antonio, Noviciado and La Fuente residences. On the 11th it will be done for the general population in the groups to which it is recommended, as explained yesterday … Read more

Simultaneous Vaccination against Flu and COVID-19 in Catalonia: Updates and Plans

Simultaneous Vaccination against Flu and COVID-19 in Catalonia: Updates and Plans

Catalonia The campaign began this Tuesday simultaneous vaccination against flu and covid-19 and he has done it in the residences. In this first phase, which will last three weeks, elderly people living in nursing homes, patients with home care and other institutionalized people will be immunized. Left out, for the moment and waiting for more … Read more

Expanded Flu Vaccine Recommendations in Andalusia: Vaccination for Over 60s, Smokers, and More

Expanded Flu Vaccine Recommendations in Andalusia: Vaccination for Over 60s, Smokers, and More

This winter, Andalusia expands the recommended groups to receive the flu vaccine. The general director of Public Health, Jorge del Diego, has announced on Canal Sur Radio that Andalusia this year incorporates the vaccination of those over 60 years of age, a drop of five compared to 2022, equaling the recommendation to receive the Covid … Read more

Cantabria Begins Joint Vaccination Campaign Against Flu and Covid

Cantabria Begins Joint Vaccination Campaign Against Flu and Covid

Cantabria will begin the joint vaccination campaign against flu and Covid on October 1, in which children between 6 and 59 months will be vaccinated against flu for the first time; as well as vaccination of babies against respiratory syncytial virus. For the flu vaccination campaign, the region has placed an initial order for about … Read more