“Three Siblings Killed in Tragic House Fire in Gernsbach, Parents Mourn Loss”

“Three Siblings Killed in Tragic House Fire in Gernsbach, Parents Mourn Loss”

Gernsbach (Baden-Württemberg) – A framed photo of three children stands next to candles and tulips, leaning against a burned down house in the Black Forest village of Gernsbach (Baden-Württemberg). Amelia (4), Alessio (8) and Adelin (14) smile at the camera. But their parents will never hear that child’s laughter again. The three siblings died in … Read more

Mourning: a former Austrian national football player was shot dead

Mourning: a former Austrian national football player was shot dead

The Kronen Zeitung reported on what happened on the open street in the suburbs of Vienna with a friend of Volkan Kahraman, a former Austrian national football player, who later committed suicide. Volkan Kahraman lived 43 years (Photo: Austria Wien) According to the report of the Austrian Kap, 43-year-old Kahraman met a businessman friend in … Read more