The secret of all good fertilization is to calibrate well | Cuyo’s diary

The secret of all good fertilization is to calibrate well |  Cuyo’s diary

LAST GRADE “The ‘involuntary’ variability should not exceed the ‘voluntary’”, remarked Ricardo Martínez Peck, the specialist in agricultural machinery who, at the request of Pool de Periodistas, trained a select group of the Argentine agrarian press in a program called “Fertilize more and better”. “If not, any variable fertilization strategy will be conditioned by the … Read more

Fertilizing more and better is winning | Cuyo’s diary

Fertilizing more and better is winning |  Cuyo’s diary

FIRST NOTE At the end of the cycle “Fertilize more and better”, organized by Profértil and thanks to the management of Pool of Journalists for Green Supplement of DIARIO DE CUYO; From the largest fertilizer company in the country, the lawyer Ricardo Martínez Peck referred to the strong incidence of an adequate calibration of the … Read more

Yields and demand for pistachio fruit and plants improve | Cuyo’s diary

Yields and demand for pistachio fruit and plants improve |  Cuyo’s diary

In the greenhouse rawsino the Ighani germinated some 80,000 pistachio seeds this year to supply regional demand for this growing crop. – The Ighani family company is a pioneer in the cultivation of pistachio production in Argentina and in recent years the work to promote the “green gold” of San Juan has yielded results. Green … Read more

The “seed to seed” method gains more followers per campaign | Cuyo’s diary

The “seed to seed” method gains more followers per campaign |  Cuyo’s diary

Photos: Ing. Agr. Alejandro Acosta Our province has specialized over time in obtaining various seeds, basically from the vegetable group, with high quality. Undoubtedly the queen of all these species is the onion, although umbelliferae such as carrots, fennel, and celery also appear; cucurbits such as watermelons, melons, numerous types of squash; lettuces of all … Read more

Almost 40 percent of the price of yerba mate is taxes | Cuyo’s diary

Almost 40 percent of the price of yerba mate is taxes |  Cuyo’s diary

Yerba mate is a product that cannot be absent from the Argentine table and its price impacts squarely on the pockets. For this reason, from the Regional Economies sector of the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME) they revealed that taxes explain 39.3% of the price of a kilo of yerba mate in the gondola, … Read more