Severe back pain accompanied by fever, stiffness or swelling may indicate spinal infection. Germs can enter the body through injury, nearby infection, or weakened immunity. Spinal infections have severe and mild types that can cause paralysis and disability if not treated properly. Diagnosis includes blood tests, radiography, and bone biopsy. Treatment involves antibiotics and surgery when necessary. Prevention includes seeking medical attention for frequent back pain and fever. Dehydration and ischemic stroke also pose life-threatening risks. Urgent treatment is necessary for stroke symptoms.

Back pain is often considered normal. But in fact, it can be severe to the point of paralysis and death. especially If back pain is accompanied by fever, back stiffness or may be swollen, hot, sore, inflamed around the spine because that is a sign of “Spinal Infection” Which way can germs enter the body? … Read more

Broken bones can cause permanent disability, with road accidents and activities like sports being common causes. Osteoporosis is a silent risk for the elderly. Fracture symptoms include deformities and difficulty moving. Treatment options include surgical and non-surgical methods. Calcium is important for bone health, particularly for those over 40. Dehydration can cause shock and is life-threatening. Preventive medicine can help take care of health before disease occurs.

Broken bones, although not fatal But improper treatment can lead to permanent disability. which causes most fractures usually from road accidents Including doing activities that use the body as well like playing sports or wild party tourism without being as careful as they should be during this festival of fun like Songkran Therefore, you should … Read more

Watch out for the warning signs of sudden death and protect office workers from heat stroke

The heatstroke signal continues to heat up. But no sweat! Many people, when faced with sweltering heat, tend to have headaches. This happens more often in people who suffer from migraines or are allergic to light. But if when… there is nausea, vomiting, thirst, rapid breathing, and the body continues to heat up. But no … Read more

“10 Fiber-Rich Foods for Relieving Constipation and Tips to Consume 400 Grams of Fruits and Vegetables Daily: PPTVHD36”

Constipation, a problem that cannot be told to anyone But have to endure the discomfort, abdominal pain and may have additional pain in the anal area as well Do you know if you leave it for a long time? May increase the risk of various diseases, including hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, or even more serious, … Read more

8 Signs of “Chronic Kidney Disease” Not Addicted to Eating Salty, No Age Limit: PPTVHD36

Chronic Kidney Disease (Chronic Kidney Disease) is a public health problem that every country faces and is trending. In Thailand, an average of 20,000 patients with chronic kidney disease need kidney replacement therapy per year, and from the patient reports from hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health in 2021, there are 1,007,251 patients with … Read more

Know each type of vitamin. Where can I get natural vitamins? and vitamin deficiency symptoms: PPTVHD36

Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Which we must get from eating different types of food. because the body cannot synthesize it by itself (except vitamin D to be synthesized at the skin when exposed to sunlight) by vitamins divided into 2 groups: water-soluble … Read more

high calcium menu How much should I eat per day? Nourish bones, improve nervous system : PPTVHD36

Did you know? Calcium doesn’t just help build strong bones and teeth. But calcium also helps regulate heart rhythm. helps in metabolism and helps the nervous system function normally Everyone needs to get the right amount of calcium. so that the body’s mechanisms work efficiently The right amount of calcium for each age Young children … Read more

“Gastritis” and “acid reflux”, although not the same disease, but can cause cancer as well: PPTVHD36

symptomgastritis VS gastroesophageal reflux disease gastritis The patient will have a tight grip pain under the epigastric region, above the navel, pain under the left ribcage, and often come and go, associated with meals. That is, pain may occur before or after eating. acid reflux disease” Symptoms usually occur 30-60 minutes after a meal. The … Read more

How to take the “emergency contraceptive pill” that women must know To be safe, reduce the chance of cancer: PPTVHD36

emergency contraceptive pills Sold as a box, with 1 box containing 1 blister, each blister contains 2 emergency contraceptive pills, each containing a high-dose hormonal pill. Levonorgestrel (levonorgestrel) 750 g each according to the principles of the Department of Health Ministry of Public Health Taking the emergency contraceptive pill is dangerous. Maybe not a hundred … Read more