Advantages of Digital Gold Investment: Lower Prices, Easy Transactions, and More!

Advantages of Digital Gold Investment: Lower Prices, Easy Transactions, and More!

Jakarta – Investment is growing along with technological advances. For example, investment it’s not Now it is not only done physically, but also in the form of digital gold. So, what are the advantages of investing in physical gold compared to digital gold? Lakuemas Chief Operation Officer Geoffrey Aten said digital gold has a lower … Read more

Gold Prices Continue to Fall, It’s Time to Crash!

Jakarta – Gold investment is one of the prima donna instruments in the country because it is the safest compared to other types of investment. Regardless, currently gold price currently experiencing a decline and most recently sold at the level of Rp 966,000 per gram. In trading positions before the Lebaran holiday or on April … Read more

5 Factors That Cause Gold Prices To Go Up And Down

JAKARTA, – Gold is one of the most popular investment instruments and is suitable for beginners. Apart from the relatively small risk, investment gold also easier to do. Currently, gold investment can be done anytime and anywhere. Technological developments allow people to invest in gold digitally. On the other hand, gold is also a … Read more

Prices are down, maybe it’s time to buy gold …

Illustration of Antam’s Gold Bar (Source: SOLO, KOMPAS.TV- For people who like to invest in gold, maybe it’s time to buy gold. This is because the price of gold in the market is currently going down. Nanang Wahyudin from Research & Education Coordinator Valbury Asia Futures explained, in the early quarter of 2021, a … Read more

Buy gold and prepare for the collapse of the stock market

Reporter: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie | Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie KONTAN.CO.ID – NEW YORK. In a disclosure of its performance in Q2 2020 last August, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway revealed that Oracle from Omaha made some big decisions with its investment portfolio. Articles quoted from The Motley Fool more spotlight on Buffett’s investment in Canada revealed … Read more

Want to buy gold when the price continues to rise? Consider This Page all

JAKARTA, – Gold price it has indeed increased before the Covid-19 pandemic to reach Rp. 1 million per gram over the last few weeks. As an instrument investation In the form of real assets, gold has indeed become a well-known investment instrument to beat inflation. Although the price fluctuates on a daily basis, it … Read more

Yesterday Cuan Seceng, Today Antam’s Gold Ambles Almost Goceng

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The price of precious metals produced by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) or known as Antam’s gold today experienced a decline after slightly strengthening yesterday. On Friday (21/8/2020) Antam’s gold price rose by Rp. 1,000 to Rp. 1,031,000 per gram. Today Saturday (8/22/2020) Antam’s precious metal prices fell by Rp. 4,000 … Read more