Hyperactive hurricane season unstoppable: Epsilon storm is born

Hyperactive hurricane season unstoppable: Epsilon storm is born

The tormenta tropical Epsilon was formed on Monday in the center of Atlantic, the most recent of a very active hurricane season. The storm had maximum sustained winds of nearly 65 kilometers per hour (40 miles). Additional strengthening is expected and that by Thursday it will be close to or have the strength of a … Read more

Half of Australia’s Great Barrier corals have died in the past 25 years

Half of Australia’s Great Barrier corals have died in the past 25 years

JN / Agencies Today at 10:26– Half of Australia’s Great Barrier reefs have died in the past 25 years. Scientists warn that global warming is irreversibly disturbing this underwater ecosystem. A study published in the scientific journal “Proceedings of the Royal Society” raised the alarm about the extent of the decline of all types of … Read more

Melting Antarctic ice threatens cities like New York, Tokyo and London

Melting Antarctic ice threatens cities like New York, Tokyo and London

ROMA – Imagine New York, Tokyo, London and Hamburg struggling with a six-meter rise in seas. Creepy. Well, according to the simulations published by the Research Institute on the Climate Impact of Potsdam, University of Potsdam and Columbia University in New York, which have won the cover of the prestigious magazine Nature, these would be … Read more

Trump “does not believe that science knows” about climate change – Abroad – News

Trump “does not believe that science knows” about climate change – Abroad – News

“It’ll get cooler soon, you just wait,” Trump said after being called “not to ignore science.” – Since the beginning of August, fires have burned large areas in several states and killed at least 36 people. Scientists believe that human activities have raised temperatures around the world. – But Trump has blamed foresters for fires … Read more

Faced with the heatwave, Los Angeles is testing innovative solutions to cool its streets

Faced with the heatwave, Los Angeles is testing innovative solutions to cool its streets

Noon under the scorching South Los Angeles sun. In the almost deserted streets of this poor neighborhood of the City of Angels, the thermometer hovers around 100 ° F (38 ° C). On the 54e street, the few shops still open are desperately trying to refresh their shops by running at full speed old rusty … Read more

Earth Loses 28 Trillion Tons of Ice in 23 Years, This is the Impact

Earth Loses 28 Trillion Tons of Ice in 23 Years, This is the Impact

KOMPAS.com – Scientists from the universities of Leeds, Edinburgh, and College London analyzed satellite surveys of glaciers, mountains, and glaciers icing around the world between 1994-2017 to identify impacts global warming. In a review published in the journal Cryosphere Discussions, the team found a fantastic loss of ice, namely about 23 trillion tons of ice. … Read more

Greenland, the melting of the ice exceeds the point of no return

Greenland, the melting of the ice exceeds the point of no return

I glaciers in Greenland have undergone such a significant reduction that, even in the event of targeted interventions against global warming, the ice sheet would continue to melt. This is what emerges from one studio, published in the journal Nature Communications Earth and Environment and led by experts from Ohio State University’s Byrd Polar and … Read more

The striped-legged tick settles in France

The striped-legged tick settles in France

Every Sunday, find the chronicle “the stupid age”, the animal meeting of Liberation. Striped and fairly long legs, elongated mouthparts, body size ranging from eight millimeters to two centimeters… These characteristics of the tick Hyalomma marginatum make it stand out from its peers. Established for about five years on the Mediterranean coast, the species is … Read more

Warning: A larger “tragedy” than SK threatens the world

Warning: A larger “tragedy” than SK threatens the world

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " “We see,” said the British newspaper “Daily Express”, quoting the director of the Climate and Life Center in Lamont, Peter de Menocal Corona virus epidemic As a threat several months ago, but this will end and a vaccine and countermeasures will be … Read more

The Great Barrier Reef again victim of bleaching

The Great Barrier Reef again victim of bleaching

It is the third massive bleaching that the Great Barrier Reef has undergone in five years, further weakening its precious ecosystem. It is not only due to global warming and anthropogenic activities. The Australian government seems to favor economic interests at the expense of this unique biodiversity. – The Great Barrier Reef experienced a third … Read more