Scientific magazine with the buttocks exposed by a rat with a giant penis

Scientific magazine with the buttocks exposed by a rat with a giant penis

that too A scientific journal has to admit with shame that three AI-generated illustrations contain complete nonsense. With amazement and hanging legs, a rat looks at its penis, so big that it doesn’t even fit in the illustration. The rat has four testes, one of which is larger than its head. The image shows nonsense … Read more

The 10 Largest and Longest Snakes in the World: Discover the Biggest Snakes on Earth Now

The 10 Largest and Longest Snakes in the World: Discover the Biggest Snakes on Earth Now

Jakarta – Snakes are a type of reptile that is classified as carnivorous. Even though they move by slithering, snakes can have long and large bodies, you know. If you only know that snakes have small, slender bodies and are not too long, then you should read this article. Because according to historical records there … Read more

The History and Extinction of Woolly Mammoths: A Closer Look at These Iconic Creatures

The History and Extinction of Woolly Mammoths: A Closer Look at These Iconic Creatures

Mammoths, or what are known as mammoths in Indonesian, are large, hairy creatures that became one of the icons of the Great Ice Age. They roamed the cold tundra of Europe, Asia and America millions of years ago. Despite weighing up to 13,000 pounds and averaging between 10 and 12 feet tall, these hairy, elephant-like … Read more

NASA Warns of Large Asteroid Approaching Earth

Asteroid. © Kaulitzki/Science Photo Library/Corbis Reporter: Fauzan Jamaludin – NASA warns that there will be a giant asteroid 89 feet wide past Earth today, Wednesday (14/2). GizChina reported, this asteroid by NASA is called Asteroid 2023 CJ1. For that, they said they were getting ready. But mankind need not worry. The reason is, … Read more

TV anime ‘Attack on Titan’ The Final Season Notice regarding broadcast of the final version | TV anime ‘Attack on Titan’ official website

TV anime ‘Attack on Titan’ The Final Season Notice regarding broadcast of the final version | TV anime ‘Attack on Titan’ official website

We would like to inform you that the TV anime “Attack on Titan” The Final Season will be broadcast in two parts, the first part and the second part.The first part is scheduled to be broadcast on NHK General at midnight on March 3, and the second part is scheduled to be broadcast in 2023.Regarding … Read more

Microsoft discontinues support for this version of Windows… Beware of hacking…

Microsoft discontinues support for this version of Windows… Beware of hacking…

History 1/3/2023 5:22:43 AM (MENAFN– Khaberni) Tell me: Microsoft, the American tech giant, plans to end security support for the Windows 8.1 operating system, effective January 10th. And she says Telecom Gateway ‘Teltarive.d’ Using Windows 8 after this date presents an imminent security risk to users’ private data. The German portal has recommended upgrading to … Read more