Inside | Well-being: What to do if you feel stressed in quarantine?

Inside | Well-being: What to do if you feel stressed in quarantine?

Stress is an adaptive response of the organism to a stimulus that is perceived as threatening and two types must be distinguished: acute and chronic. For this reason, faced with confinement as a preventive measure due to coronavirus and with all the alterations of daily life, as well as general concern, the psychiatrist and psychotherapist … Read more

Inside | In form: An active life puts a brake on early dementia

Inside | In form: An active life puts a brake on early dementia

There are several studies on dementias that have suggested the same thing: physical and mental exercise is associated with a lower risk of some of these diseases. Now, a new job throws another good news: doing physical activity and keeping the mind active is related to a slower cognitive decline in people with frontotemporal dementia, … Read more