How many bank cards can be used at the same time?

How many bank cards can be used at the same time?

A credit card is a convenient means of payment that can give a lot of advantages to its owner. • No need to carry cash with you. If a credit card was stolen or lost, you can simply block it in your personal account or by phone – the funds will remain in the account, … Read more

“The Truth About Matcha Tea: Debunking Myths and Revealing Hidden Benefits”

“The Truth About Matcha Tea: Debunking Myths and Revealing Hidden Benefits”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutrition consultant Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman revealed details about matcha tea and the truth about its benefits for weight loss, cholesterol, sugar, skin and nerves. Al-Othman explained in a video posted on his TikTok account that matcha tea, which is sold for 50 to 150 riyals, can be obtained for only two riyals. The … Read more

“Turkey’s Incumbent President Erdogan Wins First Round of Presidential Election with 49.52% of Votes”

“Turkey’s Incumbent President Erdogan Wins First Round of Presidential Election with 49.52% of Votes”

Summary [Turkey’s Supreme Election Commission announced the official results of the first round of the presidential election]On May 19, local time, Turkey’s Supreme Election Commission announced the results of the first round of the 2023 Turkish presidential election in the official gazette. The announcement showed that the voter turnout rate in the general election reached … Read more

Film Festival Returns to Campo de Gibraltar featuring a Variety of Films at Reduced Prices

Film Festival Returns to Campo de Gibraltar featuring a Variety of Films at Reduced Prices

It is monday may 15 The Film Festival returns to the halls of Campo de Gibraltar, an event that allows you to enjoy the best films on the big screen for a reduced price of 3,50 euros for four days, that is, until the Thursday May 18. The new edition of the event has the … Read more

“Tips for a Restful and Rejuvenating Sleep: Expert Advice”

“Tips for a Restful and Rejuvenating Sleep: Expert Advice”

Thursday, April 13, 2023, 2:15 p.m 47 readings Sleep is a vital necessity for our body, because during it the body’s regeneration process takes place after the physical and mental effort during the day. Lack of sleep can lead to health problems, chronic fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate and lack of productivity. However, there are … Read more

“Abduction for Monetary Gain: A Citizen’s Experience Through the Captor’s Eyes”

“Abduction for Monetary Gain: A Citizen’s Experience Through the Captor’s Eyes”

The Army Command – Directorate of Orientation announced, in a statement, that “on 3/22/2023, after information was available to the Intelligence Directorate about the kidnapping of the citizen (W.W.) by force of arms in the Khaldeh area with the aim of obtaining a financial ransom, an army force, in coordination with With the aforementioned directorate, … Read more

A specialist reveals the conditions for obtaining a professional license for a teacher and linking bonuses and promotions to obtaining them • Al-Marsad Newspaper

A specialist reveals the conditions for obtaining a professional license for a teacher and linking bonuses and promotions to obtaining them • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The journalist, Saud Al-Shehri, revealed the conditions for obtaining a professional license for a teacher, and linking bonuses and promotions to obtaining them. Al-Shehri said, during his speech on the Ya Hala program: “In the professional license there are 3 types, practitioner, advanced and expert. The difference between them is in promotions.” He … Read more

how to get discounts on hotels, shows, meals and more

how to get discounts on hotels, shows, meals and more

From January 17 to February 12, a new edition of NYC Winter Outing is held. New York is in offer. Between January 17 and February 12 a new edition of the NYC Winter Outingan event that includes discounts on entertainment, hotels and restaurants in the city. Tourists can take the opportunity to live different winter … Read more

Kuwait’s $3.9 Billion Purchase of US Treasury Bonds…

Kuwait’s .9 Billion Purchase of US Treasury Bonds…

History 12/17/2022 19:27:36 (MENAFN– Al-Anbaa) Ala MajeedKuwait increased its holdings of US Treasury bills in October this year by 0.8%, worth $400 million, to $50.3 billion, up from $49.9 billion dollars at the end of last September.In the first ten months of this year, Kuwait also increased its holdings of US Treasury bills by 8.4%, … Read more