Milja offers a service where she has seen a whole new side of men: “It can be challenging” –

Milja offers a service where she has seen a whole new side of men: “It can be challenging”

Feeling good From a young age, Milja Bee performed in the erotic industry all over Finland and recognizes that she did some things that did not feel like her own. Nowadays, Milja is a tantra masseuse whose clients are mostly men. Milja, who has seen the industry up close, now reveals what working in the … Read more

A 33-year-old father injected a stranger with a lethal dose of poison – Two screams were heard in the night Mieli5.11. 19:00 –

A 33-year-old father injected a stranger with a lethal dose of poison – Two screams were heard in the night Mieli5.11. 19:00

A 33-year-old father injected a stranger with a lethal dose of poison – Two screams were heard in the night Mieli5.11. 19:00 #33yearold #father #injected #stranger #lethal #dose #poison #screams #heard #night #Mieli5.11

Three types of women and men most likely to cheat –

Three types of women and men most likely to cheat

Feeling good Although the characteristics or signs of cheating cannot be completely generalized, there are certain strong characteristics that are repeated in most cases. Together with an expert, we put together three classic cheater profiles of both sexes. Saturday 2 November 2024 at 19:03 #types #women #men #cheat

Arto, 45, took whiskey and heartburn medicine – Soon an ambulance was needed Heart and cholesterol29.10. 6:01 am –

Arto, 45, took whiskey and heartburn medicine – Soon an ambulance was needed Heart and cholesterol29.10. 6:01 am

Arto, 45, took whiskey and heartburn medicine – Soon an ambulance was needed Heart and cholesterol29.10. 6:01 am #Arto #whiskey #heartburn #medicine #ambulance #needed #Heart #cholesterol29.10

Helin, 45,’s stomach problems were indeed pancreatic cancer: He is no longer getting better –

Helin, 45,’s stomach problems were indeed pancreatic cancer: He is no longer getting better

Health Vague stomach complaints were treated as IBS symptoms. In reality, it was pancreatic cancer. The disease is often diagnosed only when it is already advanced. That’s what happened to Heli Sihvola, 45. He’s not getting better. Katariina Lehtkanto Monday 28 October 2024 at 20:01 #Helin #45s #stomach #problems #pancreatic #cancer #longer

A skin disease makes Mirka’s skin itch – Here’s a diet and treatment that will help youTerveysuutiset27.10. 9:43 am –

A skin disease makes Mirka’s skin itch – Here’s a diet and treatment that will help youTerveysuutiset27.10. 9:43 am

A skin disease makes Mirka’s skin itch – Here’s a diet and treatment that will help youTerveysuutiset27.10. 9:43 am #skin #disease #Mirkas #skin #itch #Heres #diet #treatment #youTerveysuutiset27.10

Man, these are the signs you know a woman is never going to commit to you – This is how she behaves –

Man, these are the signs you know a woman is never going to commit to you – This is how she behaves

Feeling good The reasons for women’s fear of commitment are often much more severe than what we might think at first. The expert tells which five reasons are often hidden behind a woman‘s shyness of commitment. Man, this is how you know she might never commit to you permanently. Sunday 27 October 2024 at 20:06 … Read more