UN fund seeks money for education in times of crisis | Current World | DW

UN fund seeks money for education in times of crisis |  Current World |  DW

Wars, conflicts and disasters worldwide mean that millions of children and young people are denied their right to education. The recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria also showed that school buildings are often destroyed or misused in the event of disasters. At a United Nations donor conference in Geneva this Thursday, funds are to be … Read more

Taxing big fortunes too much could weaken the Geneva economy

Taxing big fortunes too much could weaken the Geneva economy

A tax initiative of the far left submitted for vote on March 12 wants to tax all dividends from large shareholders. According to the initiators, the measure, which would affect approximately 1,600 Geneva taxpayers, should bring in an additional 150 million francs per year to public authorities. Geneva economic circles fear an exodus of large … Read more

Genevos launches 80kW fuel cell module for ships

Genevos launches 80kW fuel cell module for ships

[월간수소경제 성재경 기자] French hydrogen power solutions developer Genevos announced on January 27th that it has launched the HPM-80, an 80kW plug-and-play hydrogen fuel cell module for marine applications. The HPM-80 says that fuel cell modules can be connected in parallel to achieve ME (megawatt) scale, which will reduce emissions to zero in energy-intensive applications … Read more