ver.di is calling on employees nationwide to go on strike on Monday

ver.di is calling on employees nationwide to go on strike on Monday

The United Services Union (ver.di) is calling on cash and valuables transport employees to go on an all-day strike on Monday, September 30, 2024. All federal states are affected by the strike, with the exception of Baden-Württemberg. The background is the collective bargaining negotiations for around 10,000 employees in the transport of money and valuables. … Read more

17/18 September: Mobilisation action for the collective bargaining round “Cash and valuables services” in Potsdam and Berlin / DGB Frittenmobil in Potsdam

17/18 September: Mobilisation action for the collective bargaining round “Cash and valuables services” in Potsdam and Berlin / DGB Frittenmobil in Potsdam

With information events in front of the companies, the ver.di union is mobilizing on September 17 and 18 for the ongoing collective bargaining round for the nationwide collective agreement “cash and valuables services”. The first round of negotiations in the nationwide collective bargaining took place on September 5 and 6, 2024. In this round, the … Read more