The number of victims in the Brazilian passenger plane crash has been revised again to 62

The number of victims in the Brazilian passenger plane crash has been revised again to 62

21:49[Chaidh an àireamh de luchd-fulaing tubaist plèana luchd-siubhail Brazilach ath-sgrùdadh a-rithist gu 62]On the morning of August 10, local time, according to the latest announcement by Vopas Airlines, the airline that crashed the passenger plane in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the airline again updated the number and the list of victims of the … Read more

Overseas Ministry Responds to Strengthening Nuclear Deterrence Cooperation Between the US and Japan: Advises the US and Japan to Abandon Chilly Struggle Mindset

Overseas Ministry Responds to Strengthening Nuclear Deterrence Cooperation Between the US and Japan: Advises the US and Japan to Abandon Chilly Struggle Mindset

16:19[Tha Ministreachd an Cùisean Cèin a’ freagairt ri neartachadh co-obrachadh bacadh niùclasach eadar na Stàitean Aonaichte agus Iapan: A’ comhairleachadh na Stàitean Aonaichte agus Iapan a bhith a’ leigeil seachad inntinn a’ Chogaidh Fhuair]On July 30, Overseas Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held an everyday press convention. A reporter requested: Based on studies, the “2 + … Read more

Dozens of rockets fired from southern Lebanon to northern Israel

Dozens of rockets fired from southern Lebanon to northern Israel

21:36[Chaidh na dusanan de rocaidean a losgadh bho cheann a deas Lebanon gu ceann a tuath Israel]The reporter realized from the Israeli aspect that dozens of rockets had been fired from southern Lebanon to northern Israel and different locations on the night of July 20, native time. Air raid sirens had been heard within the … Read more

1.1% development in France in 2024 attributable to Olympics – 2024-07-16 18:55:01

1.1% development in France in 2024 attributable to Olympics
 – 2024-07-16 18:55:01

The Video games they’ll create an financial influence of greater than 11 billion euros, similar to 0.39% of France’s GDP, and as well as they’ll create greater than 250,000 jobs within the area. The report by the Heart for Sports activities Regulation and Economics (CDES) of the College of Limoges, which specializes within the monetary … Read more

The second spherical of voting within the French Nationwide Meeting elections will happen as we speak

The second spherical of voting within the French Nationwide Meeting elections will happen as we speak

08:03[Thèid an dàrna cuairt de bhòtadh ann an taghadh Seanadh Nàiseanta na Frainge a chumail an-diugh]After the primary spherical of voting within the French Nationwide Meeting election passed off on June 30, the second spherical of voting within the French Nationwide Meeting election will happen on the seventh, French native time, which is as we … Read more

The second spherical of voting for Iran’s 14th presidential election will start

The second spherical of voting for Iran’s 14th presidential election will start

12:33[Tòisichidh an dàrna cuairt de bhòtadh airson an 14mh taghadh ceann-suidhe ann an Ioran]At 8:00 native time on July 5, the second spherical of voting for the 14th presidential election in Iran formally started. Voting lasts 10 hours. The Iranian Ministry of Inside might lengthen the voting interval appropriately relying on the state of affairs, … Read more

Actual property shares soared.

12:37[Dh’èirichstocanthogalaicheangumòr2976puingeanAirabhrosnachadhletaicpoileasaidhagusdàtamalairtdh’èirichstocanthogalaicheangumòrleprìomhstocPolyDevelopment(600048SH)agèirigh765percentgusdùnadhaig943yuan Bho thàinig iad gu àirde aig 3174 puingean air 20 Cèitean, tha earrannan A air eòlas fhaighinn air “còig bochdainn agus sia fìor dhroch shuidheachadh” margaidh, le Clàr-innse Co-dhèanta Shanghai a’ tuiteam fon chomharra 3,000-puing. Aig toiseach an treas ràithe, dh ’èirich stocan thogalaichean gu mòr air madainn 1 Iuchar, a’ draibheadh ​​​​an t-sreath … Read more

Mauritania holds a presidential election

Mauritania holds a presidential election

16:26[Mauritania a’ cumail taghadh ceann-suidhe]On June 29, native time, Mauritania held a presidential election, with a complete of seven candidates participating within the competitors. A reporter from the principle station discovered that the voting interval for the election is between 7:00 and 19:00 native time on the twenty ninth. The whole variety of registered voters … Read more

Eurobank: The dangers for exports and the Greek economic system within the two years 2024-2025 – 2024-06-04 07:48:21

Eurobank: The dangers for exports and the Greek economic system within the two years 2024-2025
 – 2024-06-04 07:48:21

A stronger than anticipated restoration of the Eurozone from the stagnation of the final quarters constitutes an upside danger for the course of Greek exports and GDP. That’s, below this state of affairs, the expansion of exports and GDP could also be greater than forecasts, as Eurobank factors out in its weekly bulletin “7 Days … Read more