Iveta Vítová came to terms with the divorce: She met a new man thanks to her little daughter

Iveta Vítová came to terms with the divorce: She met a new man thanks to her little daughter

Mother-of-two Iveta Vítová would like to get her divorce from her husband Jaroslav Vít over with. But the trial drags on much longer than she originally expected. The presenter admitted that the annulment of the marriage has been going on for a year and neither side can come to an agreement. But in a difficult … Read more

Warning signs that indicate your marriage is at risk of divorce

Warning signs that indicate your marriage is at risk of divorce

While at the beginning of the relationship we only see the partner’s positive aspects, over time his negative qualities, quirks or opinions that are not our own can surface. And so a long-term relationship, including a marriage, can turn into one constant battle in which there are no winners or losers. The good news is … Read more