Three times in two years. It makes charging cars more expensive again, yet it’s cheaper than diesel

Three times in two years.  It makes charging cars more expensive again, yet it’s cheaper than diesel

Pražská energetika announced an increase in the price of electricity for electric car chargers. E.On confirmed to the Aktuálně.cz editors that in this quarter they will also proceed with at least a slight increase in prices, ČEZ is evaluating the situation. Some prices will reach double compared to the beginning of last year, which means … Read more

A 4-year-old child is in serious condition after being doused with gasoline and set on fire

A 4-year-old child is in serious condition after being doused with gasoline and set on fire

Serious accident with a child in Blagoevgradsko. A 4-year-old boy is in critical condition with severe burns. It was urgently transported to Pirogov. Doctors are fighting for his life. The circumstances surrounding the incident are still being clarified, and there are two main versions. According to the first, the mother said that the child’s father … Read more