Two people suffered carbon monoxide poisoning during a fire in Aktau

Two people suffered carbon monoxide poisoning during a fire in Aktau

Video frame According to the deputy head of the department for emergency situations of the city of Aktau, Kabylet Eshchanov, on October 6 at 16:30 a report was received of a fire on the ground floor of the store, where there were baby pillows and strollers, with a total area of ​​40 square meters. As … Read more

Farting Microbes: How Smelly Farts Can Help Protect Against Diseases

Farting Microbes: How Smelly Farts Can Help Protect Against Diseases

Jakarta – Farts consist of odorless gas and odorous gas. The odorless ones consist of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, fart gas that smells like rotten eggs comes from hydrogen sulfide in small portions. This smelly fart gas is produced by gut microbes that eat taurine. Even though they produce foul hydrogen sulfide … Read more

Russian Gazprom’s Record Low Production Rate: Gas Supplies Collapse to 70s Levels

Russian Gazprom’s Record Low Production Rate: Gas Supplies Collapse to 70s Levels

The Russian Gazprom has never had such a low production rate in its entire history. Russia’s gas production has collapsed to levels in the 70s, according to a report from state energy company Gazprom, which said gas production in the first half of 2023 amounted to 179.45 billion cubic meters. An American magazine writes about … Read more

Russian Gas Production Decline Blamed on Politically Motivated Decisions

Moscow complained that the reason for the decrease in gas production by 24.7% was the adoption of “politically motivated” decisions. The Russian energy monopolist Gazprom, controlled by dictator Vladimir Putin and managed by his loyal associates, has reduced the production of “blue fuel” by almost a quarter, indicating the reason: the refusal of a number … Read more

The Future of Dutch Gas: ANP Gas Extraction Site of the NAM in Muntendam

The Future of Dutch Gas: ANP Gas Extraction Site of the NAM in Muntendam

ANPGas extraction site of the NAM in Muntendam. NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 06:00 Rob Coster Economics reporter Rob Coster Economics reporter From next Sunday, gas will no longer be pumped from the Groningen field at all, due to the risk of earthquakes. Only the gas fields in the North Sea still supply a substantial amount of Dutch … Read more

Controversy Surrounding British Government’s Approval of Drilling in North Sea Oil Field

Controversy Surrounding British Government’s Approval of Drilling in North Sea Oil Field

AFPPhoto for illustration: a drilling platform in the Clair Ridge oil field in the North Sea NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 18:39 The British government has given permission to drill in a new oil and gas field in the North Sea. The government is thus ignoring warnings from scientists and the United Nations. They say countries should stop … Read more

Saving Energy for the Wallet: The Real Motivator for Climate Protection

Saving Energy for the Wallet: The Real Motivator for Climate Protection

Many save energy not out of love for the climate, but because it is expensive. That’s not bad news, our editor thinks. In the end, climate protection is also about money. The current PwC survey on energy saving in the household reminds us of this essentially unsurprising fact. The vast majority of those surveyed do … Read more

Unions Preparing for Full-Scale Strike at Australian LNG Plants, Threatening Global Gas Supplies

Unions Preparing for Full-Scale Strike at Australian LNG Plants, Threatening Global Gas Supplies

At both facilities, which account for more than five percent of global LNG supplies, unions are now preparing for a full-scale strike. Australia is the largest exporter of LNG in the world. Hundreds of workers at the two facilities began what have been brief strikes on Friday last week, as five days of negotiations over … Read more

Germany’s Economic Downturn: The Impending Job Losses and Struggle for Competitiveness

Germany’s Economic Downturn: The Impending Job Losses and Struggle for Competitiveness

As a business location, Germany is currently weakening enormously. The ongoing economic downturn is also being discussed accordingly. There is a risk of job losses In the chemical industry, for example, it is clear that many companies in the sector are reducing their investments in Germany. This, in turn, means that active deindustrialization is underway, … Read more

Understanding Energy Contracts: Fixed, Variable, and Dynamic Options for the Cold Winter Ahead

Understanding Energy Contracts: Fixed, Variable, and Dynamic Options for the Cold Winter Ahead

NOS | Jeroen van Eindhoven NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 11:45 Although it will still be quite late summer this week, not everyone will be reassured about it with autumn just around the corner. Do I adjust my energy contract, or do I trust that I will financially survive a cold winter if energy prices unexpectedly go up … Read more