Clearly outlining the benefits of garlic properties: 7 ways garlic can improve your health

Clearly outlining the benefits of garlic properties: 7 ways garlic can improve your health

Garlic is one of the most useful plants. It’s good to cook. Can be used in medicine properties clearly Today we have summarized 7 benefits of garlic that can help. 1. Relieve cold symptoms. from ancient Thai medicine It has been stated that garlic has properties to help relieve cold symptoms. Effective against bacteria, fungi … Read more

10 Benefits of Garlic for the Face and the Risks When Applied Directly to the Skin

10 Benefits of Garlic for the Face and the Risks When Applied Directly to the Skin

Although garlic has benefits for skin health, estheticians and dermatologists do not recommend applying raw garlic directly to facial skin. This is because raw garlic can irritate the skin and cause inflammation or allergic reactions on the skin, especially in sensitive skin. If you want to get the benefits of garlic for your face, you … Read more

Easy to Find, Here Are 5 Natural Medicines for High Blood Pressure

Easy to Find, Here Are 5 Natural Medicines for High Blood Pressure

Freepik Garlic is a natural remedy for high blood pressure. – To overcome high blood pressure or hypertensionthere are a number of natural medicine which can be used. High blood pressure is a health condition that can trigger heart disease. Normal blood pressure is 120/90 mmHg or read systolic 120 mmHg and diastolic 80 … Read more