Can I no longer obtain this messenger emblem once the season cap is reached?

Can I no longer obtain this messenger emblem once the season cap is reached?

[질문] Can I no longer obtain this messenger emblem once the season cap is reached? Wabbungi(125.143) 2024.11.17 00:46:52 {{/if}} ‘); } } }); } else { $(‘.writing_view_box img, .writing_view_box video’).each(function(i) { var src_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘data-src’ : ‘src’; var evt_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘loadeddata’ : ‘load’; if($(this).attr(src_attr).match(/dcimg[0-9].dcinside.(com| { if($(this).hasClass(‘og-img’)) return … Read more

Is it possible to stop it with the Buzz Palace gadget? – Brawl Stars Minor Gallery

Is it possible to stop it with the Buzz Palace gadget? – Brawl Stars Minor Gallery

[일반] Is it possible to stop it with the Buzz Palace gadget?Created in app Good Chinese Jansen Huang 2024.11.16 21:46:11 Wasn’t there something wrong with the Panggung decision? Fucking gadget bastard {{/if}} ‘); } } }); } else { $(‘.writing_view_box img, .writing_view_box video’).each(function(i) { var src_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘data-src’ : ‘src’; var … Read more

Where can I get the highest quality messenger flower? – Epic Seven Minor Gallery

Where can I get the highest quality messenger flower? – Epic Seven Minor Gallery

[일반] Where do you get the highest quality messenger flowers? yep 2024.11.16 13:35:31 In the old days, people pulled dog sleds, but is this still the case these days? {{/if}} ‘); } } }); } else { $(‘.writing_view_box img, .writing_view_box video’).each(function(i) { var src_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘data-src’ : ‘src’; var evt_attr = … Read more

First Opjek Personal Opinion – Wild Rift Minor Gallery

First Opjek Personal Opinion – Wild Rift Minor Gallery

[일반] First Opjek Personal OpinionCreated in app neck 2024.11.15 15:24:15 If you ask me to choose between dragon messengers, I will eat the messenger. To be honest, I don’t like it, it’s boring, and I just prefer the messenger. Eating a dragon is a bit disadvantageous, or if you think the messenger will be eaten, … Read more

Resident Evil 2 is set to launch on December 10 for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Resident Evil 2 is set to launch on December 10 for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Anyone waiting to play another Resident Evil game on the iPhone can prepare to meet Resident Evil 2, which will be available for download on iPhone, iPad, and Mac on December 10th. The game will be available for free download along with a trial version. After that, players can buy the full game. The price … Read more

Chester Showdown Gadget: What should I wear?

Chester Showdown Gadget: What should I wear?

[질문] Chester Showdown Gadget: What should I wear?Created in app Ugh 2024.11.14 09:54:10 {{/if}} ‘); } } }); } else { $(‘.writing_view_box img, .writing_view_box video’).each(function(i) { var src_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘data-src’ : ‘src’; var evt_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘loadeddata’ : ‘load’; if($(this).attr(src_attr).match(/dcimg[0-9].dcinside.(com| { if($(this).hasClass(‘og-img’)) return true; $(this).data(‘numbering’, ++numbering_cnt); $(this).on(evt_attr, function() … Read more

I hope the true messenger of the ending comes from the pantheon.

I hope the true messenger of the ending comes from the pantheon.

[일반] I hope the true messenger of the ending comes from the pantheon.Created in app yep 2024.11.12 20:29:07 I like this guy’s song because he sings well and he really criticizes Dilfe. And it would be nice if the identity of this guy were revealed in the backstory of the pantheon. {{/if}} ‘); } } … Read more

A gameplay commentary video of the escape co-op shooter ​​​​​​”ARC Raiders” developed by Embark Studios, creator of “THE FINALS”, was released, and a preview of other tests was released « doope!

A gameplay commentary video of the escape co-op shooter ​​​​​​”ARC Raiders” developed by Embark Studios, creator of “THE FINALS”, was released, and a preview of other tests was released « doope!

Recently, small-scale technical tests both domestically and internationally, sci-fi action shooter Embark Studios, both domestically and internationally, and expectations are high for the next ambitious work from Embark Studios, the creators of “THE FINALS”. Embark Studios has released a new gameplay commentary video, more than 6-minutes long, which includes footage of this escape shooter. A … Read more

What is Amber Spa Gadget?? – Brawl Stars Minor Gallery

Chester Showdown Gadget: What should I wear?

[질문] What is Amber Spa Gadget?? yep(125.244) 2024.11.12 21:25:37 I’m thinking of mainly using Gem Grab. {{/if}} ‘); } } }); } else { $(‘.writing_view_box img, .writing_view_box video’).each(function(i) { var src_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘data-src’ : ‘src’; var evt_attr = $(this).prop(‘tagName’) == ‘VIDEO’ ? ‘loadeddata’ : ‘load’; if($(this).attr(src_attr).match(/dcimg[0-9].dcinside.(com| { if($(this).hasClass(‘og-img’)) return true; $(this).data(‘numbering’, … Read more

Fajar/Rian was surprised by the opponent’s match at the 2024 Japan Masters

Fajar/Rian was surprised by the opponent’s match at the 2024 Japan Masters

Jakarta – Men’s doubles Alfian night/Muhammad Rian Ardianto I was surprised by the opponent’s play pattern in the Kumamoto round of 32 Japan Masters 2024. Fajar / Rian won over their opponents from the United States Chen Zhi Yi / Presley Smith with a score of 25-23, 21-11 at the Kumamoto Prefectural Gymnasium, Tuesday (12/11/2024). … Read more