The race to catch up against Bamberg came too late

The race to catch up against Bamberg came too late

News The Skyliners lost four of their players by Norbert Dorholt (13.02.2023) Pomadig is the word to best describe the game played by the Frankfurt Bundesliga basketball team Fraport Skyliners against Brose Bamberg in the first half. Only in the third quarter do the Frankfurters wake up in front of 3800 fans and ensure that … Read more

Billions are also pouring in at BP thanks to the energy crisis

Billions are also pouring in at BP thanks to the energy crisis

EPA NOS News•today, 09:57 Like many other oil and gas companies, British BP’s revenues have risen by many billions. Excluding one-off write-offs, profit doubled to almost 26 billion euros. Below the line, BP appears to have lost 2.3 billion euros in 2022, while the other oil and gas companies reported profits of tens of billions … Read more

Widespread discomfort in the House of Representatives about high Shell profits

Widespread discomfort in the House of Representatives about high Shell profits

ANP NOS News•today, 14:08 There is widespread discomfort in the House of Representatives about the high profits that energy giant Shell made last year. While many citizens are struggling to pay their energy bills, the company announced today that it will have achieved more than 38 billion euros in profit in 2022. Due to the … Read more