G20: Summit with Saudis as controversial host | Europe | DW

G20: Summit with Saudis as controversial host |  Europe |  DW

The 84-year-old King of Saudi Arabia, Salman ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, whose health appears fragile, will chair the virtual G20 summit in Riyadh this weekend. The COVID-19 pandemic, which will also be the main topic of the video conference, makes a face-to-face meeting of the world’s most important heads of state and government impossible. … Read more

Africa in the grip of the ″ debt tsunami ″ | Africa | DW

Africa in the grip of the ″ debt tsunami ″ |  Africa |  DW

Hardly anyone will want her job: Vera Daves, Angola’s finance minister. By the end of the year, the country’s gigantic mountain of debt is likely to have grown to over 120 percent of gross domestic product. Even in normal times that would be a huge challenge, now the corona pandemic is added. “Our first priority … Read more