5 Effective Fruits to Lower High Cholesterol at Night, Must-Store at Home

5 Effective Fruits to Lower High Cholesterol at Night, Must-Store at Home

Loading… Fruits that reduce high cholesterol must be stored at home. This fruit has been shown to be effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels which cause serious health problems. Photos/Getty Images JAKARTA – Fruit lowering high cholesterol must stock up at home. This fruit has been shown to be effective in lowering the rate cholesterol … Read more

Popular and cheap fruit revealed to reduce stroke risk by 11%

Popular and cheap fruit revealed to reduce stroke risk by 11%

Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts have confirmed that apples and pears reduce the risk of stroke by 11%. And a new study showed that people who ate the most fruits and vegetables were 13 percent less likely to have a stroke, according to the “Express” newspaper. Experts explained that people who ate apples and pears regularly were … Read more