[Sgeulachd taobh a-staigh Coirbeachd Lin Yijin 1]Councilor Lin Yijin’s six-in-a-row act of false claims spread across counties and cities – Mirror Media

[Sgeulachd taobh a-staigh Coirbeachd Lin Yijin 1]Councilor Lin Yijin’s six-in-a-row act of false claims spread across counties and cities – Mirror Media

2024.08.28 05:28 Taipei time current events On the 21st, the Tainan District Attorney’s Office requested the Tainan City Coordination Office to launch an attack from north to south at dawn, investigating the Tainan Service Office of the Governor Lin Yi-jin, Office Taipei, and Yuan Legislative Hall as she was reported to have received and reimbursed … Read more