Corona current: 1500 euros Corona special bonus for nurses

Corona current: 1500 euros Corona special bonus for nurses

Australia asks visa holders to leave without savings Australia wants to send foreigners home with temporary visas due to the economic consequences of the Corona crisis and the expected unemployment. Only those of the over two million foreigners who could finance their own living in the next six months are likely to remain, the managing … Read more

Caregivers: “I think Covid, I eat Covid, I sleep Covid”

Caregivers: “I think Covid, I eat Covid, I sleep Covid”

They evoke a “enemy”. Sometimes see themselves as “Infantrymen”. They have much more “Fear for others” that they do not fear falling ill, without playing the heroes: “This is our job”, they say. Nurses, interns, emergency physicians, resuscitators, hematologists, psychiatrists… Their lives are now entirely dedicated to saving patients from the coronavirus. What is their … Read more

Number of infected people in Germany and worldwide

Number of infected people in Germany and worldwide

Dusseldorf A slight drop in the number of deaths has given the US state of New York, which has been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, some encouragement. Overall, the number of deaths from Covid-19 patients rose to nearly 4,200, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday. After 630 deaths from Friday to Saturday, 594 people … Read more

“Third suspect arrested after fatal stab incident France” | NOW

French police arrested a third suspect on Sunday following the stabbing incident on Saturday in the French municipality of Romans-sur-Isère, reports Le Bien Public. Two people died and seven people were injured. The suspect is said to be a housemate of the main suspect. On Saturday evening an ‘acquaintance’ of the main suspect was arrested. … Read more

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

“Every day, I have a lump in my stomach as soon as I wake up. I’m scared to go to work “, explains Anne (1). This 20-year-old Frenchwoman works at Teleperformance in Athens. She is one of those voices who, from a telephone platform, provide technical assistance or after-sales service for international brands. Apple, Hewlett … Read more

In France, launch of a test with plasma from cured patients

In France, launch of a test with plasma from cured patients

The clinical trial will involve transfusing blood plasma from people recovered from Covid-19 to “patients with acute illness”. – Un a clinical trial consisting in transfusing blood plasma from people recovered from Covid-19 to “patients in acute phase of the disease” will start on April 7 in France, the establishments responsible for conducting it announced … Read more

[Société] Dengue kills two

[Société] Dengue kills two

Dengue 2 – Coronavirus 0. This is the sad result that the ARS has just obtained, engaged in the fight against the vector to stop the dengue virus. Since 2017, the agency has deplored more than 20 dead, a large part of which is directly to be credited to the Tiger mosquito, the spread of … Read more

Encouraging signs in Italy, France and Spain

Encouraging signs in Italy, France and Spain

DSince its appearance in December in China, the Covid-19 disease has killed more than 60,000 people worldwide, including almost three-quarters in Europe, with a spread that does not visibly weaken and raises the question of wearing a generalized mask. In total, more than 60,000 deaths have been recorded, including more than 45,000 in Europe, the … Read more