FPÖ – Hafenecker: “ORF is increasingly becoming a propaganda organ for climate extremists!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker: “ORF is increasingly becoming a propaganda organ for climate extremists!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Live interview” for those who disrupted the men’s slalom in Gurgl is the next ORF scandal – “The ORF ‘compulsory tax’ has to go” Vienna (OTS) – After climate extremists attacked and disrupted the men’s slalom in Gurgl today with one of their “actions”, which was also commented on favorably by the ORF commentator, an … Read more

FPÖ – AVISO: Tomorrow press conference with Secretary General Hafenecker, club chairman Fürst and publisher Reichel | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – AVISO: Tomorrow press conference with Secretary General Hafenecker, club chairman Fürst and publisher Reichel |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) – We hereby invite our colleagues from the media to the following event: Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 10:30 a.m Press conference with FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA, FPÖ club chairman NAbg. Dr. Susanne Fürst and publisher Mag. Werner Reichel Location: FPÖ Media Center (Reichsratsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, 3rd floor (6th elevator … Read more

FP-Teufel: Absurd verdict – silo and straw bales have to be removed from the field

FP-Teufel: Absurd verdict – silo and straw bales have to be removed from the field

Agriculture Minister once again at the diving station St. Pölten (OTS) – “The latest finding by the Administrative Court is causing serious problems for the farmers,” said the club chairman of the Lower Austrian FPÖ LAbg. Mag. Reinhard Teufel. The Administrative Court ruled that storing silo bales in the wild was not permitted. “This is … Read more

FPÖ – Amesbauer/Belakowitsch zu Raab: ÖVP completely unbelievable even with immigration | Liberal Parliament Club

FPÖ – Amesbauer/Belakowitsch zu Raab: ÖVP completely unbelievable even with immigration |  Liberal Parliament Club

Vienna (OTS) – “ÖVP Minister Raab today complained about the ‘wrong type of immigration’. This statement can confidently be booked as a self-accusation. It is the ÖVP that, together with the Greens, continues to open the floodgates to illegal immigration into our social system. The ÖVP obviously no longer has any qualms when it comes … Read more

FPÖ – Hafenecker zu Raab: “ORF ‘compulsory tax’ is a brazen rip-off for citizens that must be abolished!” | Liberal Parliament Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker zu Raab: “ORF ‘compulsory tax’ is a brazen rip-off for citizens that must be abolished!” |  Liberal Parliament Club

ORF reform in the direction of a modern media company instead of a black-green grab into the wallets of the citizens would be necessary Vienna (OTS) – “The brazen whitewashing of the ÖVP Media Minister Raab is a mockery of the citizens and cannot hide the reality: the ORF ‘compulsory tax’ is a brutal grab … Read more

FPÖ – Hafenecker on the short charge: “Now it’s the turn of the courts” | Liberal Parliament Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker on the short charge: “Now it’s the turn of the courts” |  Liberal Parliament Club

Vienna (OTS) – “The charge of alleged false testimony against ex-ÖVP Chancellor Kurz will probably only be the tip of the iceberg, for which he now has to answer before the judge. The Freedom Party places its full trust in the judiciary and its investigative work. Now it’s the courts’ turn,” remarked the Liberal Secretary … Read more

FPÖ – Schnedlitz zu Babler: Nothing is fixed – except for his gradual ingratiation with the ÖVP | Liberal Parliament Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz zu Babler: Nothing is fixed – except for his gradual ingratiation with the ÖVP |  Liberal Parliament Club

Vienna (OTS) – “Did the SPÖ boss just ‘answer a question’ or did he take a clear position in his function as SPÖ chairman? For example, is the SPÖ with him at the top actually for 100 km/h on the autobahn? Or was that just his private opinion? With Andreas Babler, you don’t really know, … Read more

Stocker to Kickl: “Right-wing extremism is not normal”

Stocker to Kickl: “Right-wing extremism is not normal”

Loyalty to Russia, radical slogans and dividing society: that’s Kickl’s policy Vienna (OTS) – “Right-wing extremism is not normal, there are no ifs and buts,” said the general secretary of the People’s Party, Christian Stocker, in response to Kickl’s repeated verbal blunders. “When Herbert Kickl speaks up from vacation, you know in advance that this … Read more

Ex-FPÖ Boss Heinz-Christian Strache Admits Mistakes and Apologizes, while Battling Health Problems

Ex-FPÖ Boss Heinz-Christian Strache Admits Mistakes and Apologizes, while Battling Health Problems

HC Strache admits some mistakes, apologizes to the whores of both sexes. But health problems also bother him. 10 settings and 2 acquittals: Ex-FPÖ boss Heinz-Christian Strache proudly announced this balance sheet these days. Because even in the ASFINAG case there was a swatter for the WKStA. Two cases are still pending. “Without all these … Read more

FPÖ-Kunasek: “Juvenile delinquency paired with radical Islamism – Brucker’s case is a loud alarm signal!” | FPÖ

FPÖ-Kunasek: “Juvenile delinquency paired with radical Islamism – Brucker’s case is a loud alarm signal!” |  FPÖ

Graz (OTS) – An incredibly frightening case was examined in more detail today in the “Steirerkrone”. Two young people apparently wanted to blow up the middle school in Bruck an der Mur. Both have now been convicted, but the sentence is manageable. According to reports, the aim was to kill all Christians and establish a … Read more