Hunting fever in New York: divers are looking for valuable mammoth tusks News

Hunting fever in New York: divers are looking for valuable mammoth tusks  News

It is perhaps the craziest treasure hunt of all time: Because instead of looking for gold or jewelry boxes, they are looking for the tusks and bones of prehistoric mammoths. After all, the location is world-famous: New York’s East River along Manhattan. ▶︎ A real one hunting fever has broken out, the excitement is almost … Read more

Flowers Trapped in Sap for 40 Million Years, Experts Reveal Amazing Facts

Flowers Trapped in Sap for 40 Million Years, Experts Reveal Amazing Facts

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Fossil flower the largest is nearly 40 million years old trapped in sap. Researchers say floora this is a new species. A study published on January 12, 2023 in Scientific Reports calling this flower can provide clues about climates and ecosystems in the past. Although it was discovered 150 years ago, … Read more

After 150 Years, Scientists Have Identified the Largest Flower Fossil Species 40 Million Years Old

After 150 Years, Scientists Have Identified the Largest Flower Fossil Species 40 Million Years Old

loading… After 150 years, scientists have finally identified definitively the largest fossil flower species ever found. Photo/Museum für Naturkund/Live Sciencee Berlin BERLIN – After 150 years scientists have finally managed to definitively identify the fossil species flower the largest ever found. Fossil a flower preserved in amber aged about 40 million years ago, was found … Read more

Justify Indonesia Used to be the Ocean, Discovery of Dinosaur Fossils Reveals Shocking Facts

Justify Indonesia Used to be the Ocean, Discovery of Dinosaur Fossils Reveals Shocking Facts

BULBON – Indonesia including the most common areas fossil ancient beast. However, you know, fossil dinosaurs have never been found in Indonesia. Whereas fossil Marine biota to ancient elephants can be found in hilly areas in Indonesia. Why is that? In fact, dinosaurs are a group of ancient animal reptiles ruling the earth. His body … Read more

This animal looks like a bird, but has a strange dinosaur bone

This animal looks like a bird, but has a strange dinosaur bone

Loading… Illustration by Cratonavis zhui showing the physiology of dinosaurs and birds. Photo: ist JAKARTA – The scientist has just analyzed the sample single fossil . Its age is 120 million years. Physically, the fossil animal is shaped like a bird. But, they have dinosaur skulls and bones. The research was revealed in the latest … Read more

Scientists find mammals in the stomach of dinosaur fossils, from which creature?

Scientists find mammals in the stomach of dinosaur fossils, from which creature?

Jakarta – Scientists discover a mammal in the stomach of a species dinosaur fly, Microraptor. The mammal is thought to have been the last meal of the crow-sized raptor before it died out 120 million years ago. Scientists discovered Microraptor’s last supper while examining its fossil remains at a museum in China. Well-preserved fossils of … Read more

Scientists discover traces of the first mammals eaten by dinosaurs

Scientists discover traces of the first mammals eaten by dinosaurs

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 – 3.51pm WIB Techno live – Paleontologists recently claimed to have identified feet mammals to an extent the mouses in the ribs fossil microraptor, a genus dinosaur. Reported by The Guardian, The find is said to mark the first mammal eaten by dinosaurs. The scientists say their findings have now been … Read more