Archaeologists Call Ape Man in Flores Indonesia an Ancient Man

Archaeologists Call Ape Man in Flores Indonesia an Ancient Man

Jakarta – If we discuss the origin of humans, of course we will discuss a lot about ancient humans. Species-related research ancient human and the origin continues to be done by archaeologists to study the history of human life. Evidence of signs of life by early humans continues to be traced by archaeologists. However, did … Read more

Scientists Reveal Ancient Fish Fossils 2.7 Meters Allegedly Predation of Human Ancestors

Scientists Reveal Ancient Fish Fossils 2.7 Meters Allegedly Predation of Human Ancestors

Jakarta – Researchers in South Africa have been excavating fossils fish a giant 360 million years old. This fanged fish is called a predator of human ancestors. The age of ancient fish is much older than the dinosaurs. They swam in the river waters of the ancient southern continent of Gondwana. This fish has a … Read more

The weight of 160 kg is comparable to that of a gorilla and the “giant penguin” is stronger than the star O’Neill | Life | CTWANT

The weight of 160 kg is comparable to that of a gorilla and the “giant penguin” is stronger than the star O’Neill | Life | CTWANT

Giant penguins are as tall as humans. (Picture / Recap of Daniel Ksepka Twitter) Cute penguins were so fierce in ancient times? Scientists recently discovered the fossil of a giant penguin in New Zealand, which lived 57 million years ago and weighed up to 160 kilograms, heavier than NBA star O’Neal at his peak, and … Read more

Looking for Shells on the Beach, This Woman Finds the Largest Dinosaur Footprints

At first it was thought to be a joke Woods is one of the authors of the research published yesterday in the journal Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. Woods contacted paleontologist Dr Dean Lomax, a visiting scientist at Macnhester University, to ask his opinion on what he had found in Burniston Bay, about 5 … Read more

Scientists Recreate Largest Dinosaur Brain Using Fossils, Here’s The Goal

In findings to be published in the Journal of Anatomy, the researchers found that spinosaurus’ olfactory bulbs – which process smells – were not particularly developed, while their ears were likely attuned to low-frequency sounds. The scientists found that the brain regions that kept the head steady and gazed upon prey were probably less developed … Read more

Did you know? “Cancer” has existed since the age of dinosaurs, tens of millions of years ago! : PPTVHD36

Did you know?  “Cancer” has existed since the age of dinosaurs, tens of millions of years ago!  : PPTVHD36

scientists found “Bone cancer” in a 77-million-year-old Centrosaurus fossil suggests that the disease has existed on Earth for tens of millions of years. “Cancer” It is one of the deadliest diseases in the world, averaging about 10 million cases annually, and is a disease known to mankind for a long time. Since the ancient Egyptian … Read more

This is the appearance of a giant elephant that lived 125,000 years ago, 4 meters high and 4 tons in weight

This is the appearance of a giant elephant that lived 125,000 years ago, 4 meters high and 4 tons in weight

The giant elephant species that lived about 125,000 years ago was twice as large as the African elephants that still exist today. Photo/Science Alert/MONREPOS Archaeological Research Center BERLIN – Species elephant giants that lived about 125,000 years ago were twice as large as African elephants that still exist today. Giant elephant known as the now-extinct … Read more

Hunting fever in New York: divers are looking for valuable mammoth tusks News

Hunting fever in New York: divers are looking for valuable mammoth tusks  News

It is perhaps the craziest treasure hunt of all time: Because instead of looking for gold or jewelry boxes, they are looking for the tusks and bones of prehistoric mammoths. After all, the location is world-famous: New York’s East River along Manhattan. ▶︎ A real one hunting fever has broken out, the excitement is almost … Read more

Flowers Trapped in Sap for 40 Million Years, Experts Reveal Amazing Facts

Flowers Trapped in Sap for 40 Million Years, Experts Reveal Amazing Facts

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Fossil flower the largest is nearly 40 million years old trapped in sap. Researchers say floora this is a new species. A study published on January 12, 2023 in Scientific Reports calling this flower can provide clues about climates and ecosystems in the past. Although it was discovered 150 years ago, … Read more

After 150 Years, Scientists Have Identified the Largest Flower Fossil Species 40 Million Years Old

After 150 Years, Scientists Have Identified the Largest Flower Fossil Species 40 Million Years Old

loading… After 150 years, scientists have finally identified definitively the largest fossil flower species ever found. Photo/Museum für Naturkund/Live Sciencee Berlin BERLIN – After 150 years scientists have finally managed to definitively identify the fossil species flower the largest ever found. Fossil a flower preserved in amber aged about 40 million years ago, was found … Read more