Ancient Bird Footprints Discovered in Australia During COVID-19 Pandemic

Ancient Bird Footprints Discovered in Australia During COVID-19 Pandemic

Jakarta – A husband and wife in Australia discovered bird footprints hundreds of millions of years old. This was discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bird’s footprints were found around the state of Victoria, Australia. Details of the bird’s footprints are recorded in full in a journal published by PLOS ONE. Quoted from detikInetAccording to … Read more

Complete Remains of Ancient Sea Monster Discovered in Japan

Complete Remains of Ancient Sea Monster Discovered in Japan

Jakarta – Scientists in Japan discovered the almost complete remains of an ancient sea monster the size of a white shark. In its past, this species was most likely a terror of the seas. The animal, which researchers have named the blue dragon, has an unusual body shape that differentiates it from its extinct relatives. … Read more

The Dueling Dinosaurs: Extraordinary Discovery of Juvenile T-Rex and Triceratops Fossil

The Dueling Dinosaurs: Extraordinary Discovery of Juvenile T-Rex and Triceratops Fossil

Duel Dinosaurs, the most complete dinosaur fossil skeleton ever discovered, presents a climactic battle between two thrilling prehistoric creatures. A combination of two animals, a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex and a triceratops, is trapped in sandstone with a completion rate of 98%. This fossil was an extraordinary discovery because it was well preserved, allowing scientists to … Read more

New Study Reveals Juvenile Carnivorous Dinosaurs Preyed on Small Plant-Eating Dinosaurs

New Study Reveals Juvenile Carnivorous Dinosaurs Preyed on Small Plant-Eating Dinosaurs

Jakarta – Tyrannosauridae, a group of carnivorous dinosaurs, known to prey on plant-eating jumbo dinosaurs (megaherbivores). A recent study found fossils of this carnivorous but juvenile dinosaur when it died, complete with food in its stomach. “In this paper, we describe the specimen Gorgosaurus libratus an extraordinary one, which preserves twice as many dinosaurs caegannathid … Read more

10,000 Year Old Mammoth Fossil Discovered near Jakarta, Florida

10,000 Year Old Mammoth Fossil Discovered near Jakarta, Florida

Jakarta – A member of an organization that operates in the field of fossil hunting, Fossil Junkies Dig and Dive Charters, managed to find ancient animal fossils in the Peace River near the city of Arcadia in Florida. John Kreatsoulas, initially thought that the fossil was an ordinary log. However, when he checked again, he … Read more

A 5-year-old boy climbed a mountain and picked up a “strange stone”. Expert identification confirmed that it was a 500-million-year-old paleontological fossil | International | CTWANT

A 5-year-old boy climbed a mountain and picked up a “strange stone”. Expert identification confirmed that it was a 500-million-year-old paleontological fossil | International | CTWANT

A 5-year-old brother climbed a mountain and picked up a strange stone. Experts confirmed that it was a paleontological fossil from 500 million years ago. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) A man named Yang from Linyi City, Shandong Province, took his 5-year-old son to climb a mountain last week. On the way, he saw a large piece … Read more

SVP Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 2023 Annual Meeting First Issue

SVP Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 2023 Annual Meeting First Issue

Apatosaurus knee joint disease When researchers excavated the Apatosaurus femur specimen from the Morrison Formation in Wyoming (fossil number: UWGM 7213), they noticed that the lateral condyle and lateral epicondyle had inward erosion lesions. After preliminary determination, they believed that the lesion was the source of the disease. The inflammatory reaction caused by the erosion … Read more

SVP 2023 Annual Conference First Issue | Square Vocus

SVP Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 2023 Annual Meeting First Issue

Apatosaurus knee joint disease When researchers excavated the Apatosaurus femur specimen from the Morrison Formation in Wyoming (fossil number: UWGM 7213), they noticed that the lateral condyle and lateral epicondyle had inward erosion lesions. After preliminary determination, they believed that the lesion was the source of the disease. The inflammatory reaction caused by the erosion … Read more

Ancient Predatory Lamprey Fish Fossil Discovery in China from the Jurassic Period

Ancient Predatory Lamprey Fish Fossil Discovery in China from the Jurassic Period

Jakarta – Paleontologists in China have discovered fossils of ancient fish predators from the Jurassic period. This fish is a type of jawless fish which is often called lamprey. Physically, lamprey fish have a shape similar to eels. The difference is, lamprey fish have a disc-shaped mouth with very sharp teeth. This fish is also … Read more

Discovery of Jormungandr Fossil: New Species of Mosasaur Revealed

Discovery of Jormungandr Fossil: New Species of Mosasaur Revealed

Wednesday, 8 November 2023 – 16:08 WIB VIVA Tekno – In Europe there is Norse mythology where the wild beast Jormungandr lives to destroy the Nine Worlds. Last week, scientists discovered traces of its existence. Jormungandr walhallaensis, that’s what scientists named it. Reporting from The NY Times, Wednesday, November 8 2023, an animal that lived … Read more