Johan Remkes, Former ANPVVD Member and Informant for Rutte IV Cabinet, Speaks Out Against ‘Impossible’ Majority Coalition – NOS News

Johan Remkes, Former ANPVVD Member and Informant for Rutte IV Cabinet, Speaks Out Against ‘Impossible’ Majority Coalition – NOS News

ANPVVD member Johan Remkes was an informant for the Rutte IV cabinet in 2021 NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 13:33 Former informant Remkes thinks that the formation of a ‘normal’ majority cabinet of PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB is impossible. He argues in the TV program Outside court for a different type of cabinet, for example an extra-parliamentary … Read more

Education and Training Inspectors of Pété and Podor Celebrate Students with Festival of Excellence and Awards Ceremony

Education and Training Inspectors of Pété and Podor Celebrate Students with Festival of Excellence and Awards Ceremony

Happy end of year celebration to the students of the Education and Training inspections of Pété and Podor. 130 of them were awarded prizes during a day of excellence organized in Donaaye-Taredji. The Minister of National Education, Dr Cheikh Oumar Anne, sponsor of the event, offered several gifts consisting of school supplies, digital tablets, reprography … Read more

PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB want to continue and talk about three major stumbling blocks

PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB want to continue and talk about three major stumbling blocks

ANPFrom left to right (Omtzigt (NSC), Yesilgöz (VVD), Wilders (PVV) and Van der Plas (NSC) NOS News•today, 4:59 PM The cabinet formation must start with discussions between PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB about three possible stumbling blocks. Only then does it make sense to negotiate. This advice will be included in the report of scout … Read more

Podcast De Dag: Ronald Plasterk, ‘the contrary icebreaker’

Podcast De Dag: Ronald Plasterk, ‘the contrary icebreaker’

NOS NOS News•yesterday, 2:11 PM•Amended today, 2:59 PM Ten years ago, Geert Wilders called Ronald Plasterk the ‘Minister of Vanity’, but he now praises him for his free, creative spirit. He will need a creative mind as a scout in this week of truth, because next week there must be a workable proposal for the … Read more

BBB wants to discuss concerns about cooperation with Wilders with PVV, VVD, NSC

BBB wants to discuss concerns about cooperation with Wilders with PVV, VVD, NSC

ANP NOS News•today, 4:52 PM BBB calls on PVV, VVD and NSC to sit down together to discuss concerns about cooperation with Geert Wilders. The conversation should include, among other things, the rule of law of PVV intentions and the doubts that parties have about this. “Whether you can reach an agreement in a conversation … Read more

VVD does not want to be in the cabinet, history shows where that can lead

VVD does not want to be in the cabinet, history shows where that can lead

ANPYesilgöz and Wilders in the House of Representatives on Friday NOS News•today, 06:47 Guus Dietvorst Politics editor Guus Dietvorst Politics editor It was an extremely surprising announcement from Dilan Yesilgöz: we are not going into a cabinet, tolerance is the highest achievable. The VVD leader said this before the formation had even started. It raises … Read more

Vietnam-US Business Forum 2023: Semiconductors in focus

Vietnam-US Business Forum 2023: Semiconductors in focus

(VOVWORLD) – The Vietnam-US Business Forum 2023 was organized this Tuesday morning in Ho Chi Minh City by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the US Chamber of Commerce. Photo: VOV Elevating the Vietnam-US partnership to the full strategic level provides both countries with unprecedented development opportunities. Vietnamese companies will be able to integrate … Read more

Crépol drama: nine suspects arrested by the gendarmes around Toulouse and Romans-sur-Isère

Crépol drama: nine suspects arrested by the gendarmes around Toulouse and Romans-sur-Isère

This Tuesday, November 21, 2023, while he was questioned in the National Assembly about the tragedy that occurred in Crépol, in Drôme, on the night of Saturday November 18 to Sunday November 19, 2023, Gérald Darmanin announced the arrest of seven suspects by the gendarmerie, near Toulouse, in Haute-Garonne. A little later in the afternoon, … Read more

French Author Marie NDiaye Condemns Far-Right Violence Against Brother, Pap Ndiaye

French Author Marie NDiaye Condemns Far-Right Violence Against Brother, Pap Ndiaye

French author Marie NDiaye, on tour this week in New York for the translation of her novel “Vengeance belongs to me”, denounced “delirious violence” of the French far right against his brother Pap Ndiaye when he was Minister of National Education. “When my brother was appointed minister (in May 2022) the reactions from the extreme … Read more

Ford Temporarily Dismisses Hundreds of Employees Amid Strike: Updates on UAW Negotiations

Ford Temporarily Dismisses Hundreds of Employees Amid Strike: Updates on UAW Negotiations

The American automobile manufacturer Ford, affected like its competitors General Motors and Stellantis since mid-September by a strike, announced Monday October 2 the temporary dismissal of hundreds of additional employees as a result of this social movement. “Our production system is highly interconnected, which means the UAW’s targeted strike strategy (syndicat United Auto Workers, NDLR) … Read more