Consequences of the corona shock: New Yorkers are drawn to the countryside

Consequences of the corona shock: New Yorkers are drawn to the countryside

Around 33,000 people have died of or with Corona in New York so far. More and more stressed New Yorkers are now leaving the metropolis and moving to the countryside. Real estate prices explode. By Christiane Meier, ARD-Studio New York On to new shores, is the motto in traumatized New York, and it is the … Read more

The next easing in New York: when do tourists come?

The next easing in New York: when do tourists come?

New York. New York has long been the center of the corona pandemic in the United States. The metropolis is now in a better position, so the next easing phase begins. But it will take some time before the more than 60 million tourists a year return to their place of longing. – For ten … Read more

Thanksgiving in the US: Risky Family Reunion Trip

Thanksgiving in the US: Risky Family Reunion Trip

Despite clear reminders, many Americans have set out to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families. Experience has shown that the number of infections increases after such holidays. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York The US health authority CDC had warned: This year, Thanksgiving should only be celebrated at home and only with people from your own … Read more

Rescue through lending: Dresden treasures sparkle in New York

Rescue through lending: Dresden treasures sparkle in New York

Shortly after the spectacular art theft in Dresden, an exhibition opened in New York with numerous loans from the Green Vault. You might have been saved through the loan. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York At the arrival of the “Dresden Green”, as it is called here, the top of the Empire State Building naturally … Read more

Extension of November aid: waiting for Brussels

Extension of November aid: waiting for Brussels

Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz wants to extend the emergency aid for companies that have to remain closed due to the partial lockdown. The EU Commission has approved one part, another has yet to be examined. By Matthias Reiche, ARD-Studio Brussels Small grants, bridging aid, loan regulations or economic stabilization funds: the European Commission in … Read more

Corona crisis in New York: restaurants struggle for survival

Corona crisis in New York: restaurants struggle for survival

New York is the epitome of the pulsating big city – but in Corona times it has lost some of its radiance. Hardly anyone goes out in the evening – to the chagrin of the many restaurants. By Antje Passenheim, ARD-Studio New York “I did it!” – He did it. Vincent Lin followed his passion. … Read more

why a Breisach emergency doctor was not allowed to help in Alsace SWR Aktuell

why a Breisach emergency doctor was not allowed to help in Alsace SWR Aktuell

A German woman suffers a heart attack in Alsace. The emergency doctor from neighboring Breisach would have been on site in a few minutes. Still the woman dies. How could this happen? When Tanja Seebold stands in front of her mother’s fresh grave, her horror at the events that led to her mother’s death can … Read more

Coronavirus: New York declares Sunday “D-Day”

Coronavirus: New York declares Sunday “D-Day”

According to New York’s Mayor De Blasio, tomorrow, Sunday, will have a decisive signal effect as to whether his city is prepared for what will await it in the corona crisis. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York At least since the beginning of the week a hospital ship of the US Army has anchored in … Read more

Creditors’ meeting: what else can we get from Wirecard?

Creditors’ meeting: what else can we get from Wirecard?

On the first day of the creditors’ meeting in Munich’s Löwenbräukeller, the insolvency administrator reported on the situation at the payment processor Wirecard. Sales proceeds are offset by horrific debts. By Lothar Gries, The large ballroom in Munich’s Löwenbräukeller can usually accommodate up to 3,000 people. In these Corona times, however, it can only … Read more

New US president: New York hopes for “Amtrak-Joe”

New US president: New York hopes for “Amtrak-Joe”

The corona pandemic plunged New York’s economy into deep crisis – the city is bankrupt. No help has come from the incumbent US President Trump so far – the greater are the expectations of his successor Biden. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York The jubilation was not only great in New York’s Times Square when … Read more