Infection numbers are not falling: Merkel calls for stricter corona measures

Infection numbers are not falling: Merkel calls for stricter corona measures

Despite the partial lockdown, the number of new corona infections is not falling. Now Chancellor Merkel wants an agreement on additional measures before Christmas. Previously, some country leaders had already called for stricter rules. Chancellor Angela Merkel is aiming for an agreement on further measures to combat the corona pandemic before Christmas. At the meeting … Read more

Post-Brexit negotiations: Johnson has to show his colors

Post-Brexit negotiations: Johnson has to show his colors

Time is of the essence, but it is still unclear whether and when there will be a trade pact between the UK and the EU. Commission chief von der Leyen and Prime Minister Johnson met on Saturday. Now the negotiations are feverish. By Ralph Sina, ARD-Studio Brussels Deal or no deal? That is the question … Read more

Stagnating corona numbers: Söder is pushing for tightening

Stagnating corona numbers: Söder is pushing for tightening

The corona infection numbers are stagnating at a high level. Warnings about the planned easing over the holidays are therefore louder. Bavaria’s government is now advising on new tightening of measures. The number of infections with the corona virus in Germany remains high. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the health authorities reported 17,767 … Read more

How Poland’s dispute with the EU plays into Putin’s hands: is a Polexit threatened?

How Poland’s dispute with the EU plays into Putin’s hands: is a Polexit threatened?

In Poland’s political public, a term is booming: Polexit, Poland’s exit from the EU. The discussion plays into the hands of our big neighbor to the east in particular. The EU is once again confronted with an existential crisis. After Brexit, a similar scenario threatens to repeat itself, this time staged by Poland. In agreement … Read more

Corona measures by the federal states: Bavaria wants to declare a disaster

Corona measures by the federal states: Bavaria wants to declare a disaster

Bavaria wants to tighten the corona measures significantly. Likewise Thuringia: There should be no easing over the holidays. Hesse’s Prime Minister Bouffier spoke in the “Report from Berlin“for local solutions. In view of the consistently high number of new corona infections in the Free State, Bavaria is tightening the measures to combat the pandemic. After … Read more

Ex-Mayor of New York admits mistakes

Ex-Mayor of New York admits mistakes

The former New York mayor has apologized for his longstanding support for the controversial “Stop and Frisk” police crackdown. But Michael Bloomberg also earned skepticism for this. In the midst of preparations for a possible presidential candidacy, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has admitted mistakes in his tenure at the time. During a speech … Read more

Corona in the USA – Trump: Consider “quarantine” for New York

Corona in the USA – Trump: Consider “quarantine” for New York

Washington (AP) – US President Donald Trump is apparently considering a far-reaching lockdown of New York and other states severely affected by the Corona crisis. “Some people would like to see New York quarantined because it is a hotspot,” Trump said in the White House garden. When giving a speech in Norfolk, Virginia, he promised … Read more

Warnings from economists: is a new banking crisis looming?

Warnings from economists: is a new banking crisis looming?

Economists are sounding the alarm: Regardless of the state aid, an unprecedented wave of bankruptcies is rolling towards Germany – with corresponding consequences for the banks. Can the institutions cope with the impending default of many loans? By Lothar Gries, The numbers are alarming: according to calculations by the employer-related Institute for Economics IW … Read more

Cuomo sees New York at the height of Corona

Cuomo sees New York at the height of Corona

New York (AP) – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sees light at the end of the tunnel for the state, which has been particularly badly hit by the corona virus. Although the number of people who died in the pandemic in New York rose by 599 compared to the previous day to 4,758, this was … Read more

Dispute between the federal and state governments: who pays the corona aid?

Dispute between the federal and state governments: who pays the corona aid?

The December aid means around 15 billion euros in additional costs for the federal government. At the end of the year, the issue of Corona aid should not be over. The federal and state governments are at odds about who pays for it in the long term. By Kirsten Girschick, ARD capital studio Another 15 … Read more