Polar air and Saharan heat are coming to Bulgaria! Here’s a prog…

Polar air and Saharan heat are coming to Bulgaria!  Here’s a prog…

Fresh polar air is passing over the country, the expert explained It is possible that this winter will be the warmest for Bulgaria since meteorological observations have been made. This was stated by climatologist Prof. Georgi Rachev in the program “This morning”. “2022 is the fifth warmest year, and not by any significant difference to … Read more

news, tamara globa, signs of the zodiac, forecast, health, astrology, society

news, tamara globa, signs of the zodiac, forecast, health, astrology, society

Astrologer Tamara Globa named the sign of the zodiac, for which 2023 will be dangerous for health. According to Globa, Pisces needs to closely monitor their health this year. This is reported teleprogramma.pro. Why Pisces need to take care of their health in 2023 The beginning of the year, according to Globa’s forecasts, will be … Read more

“Business travel in the US easier than in the EU”

“Business travel in the US easier than in the EU”

Berlin Whether self-employed, small and medium-sized enterprises or large corporations, the economy complains of absurd administrative burdens from the EU bureaucracy. The accusation: on the one hand, onerous requests come directly from Brussels, on the other hand, the national implementation of the regulations is often impractical. The Family Business Foundation wanted to know specifically and … Read more

Predictions and comments. A good start: will it be possible to maintain the momentum?

Predictions and comments.  A good start: will it be possible to maintain the momentum?

The same thing The first trading day of the year passed on a positive note, creating an upbeat mood for the whole week. But you shouldn’t delude yourself: short-term factors largely influenced, while medium-term risks have not disappeared anywhere. Optimism can persist for some time, but it cannot yet be called stable. Moreover, the external … Read more