Best Foods for Stress Relief: Vitamins, Lycopene, and Calcium

Best Foods for Stress Relief: Vitamins, Lycopene, and Calcium

Rich in nutrients such as vitamins, lycopene, and calcium to relieve stress Entered 2023.12.23 12:05 Views 1 Entered 2023.12.23 12:05 Modified 2023.12.23 09:41 Views 1 Sweet potatoes, which are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, help improve your mood. [사진=클립아트코리아] 2023 is not far away. This is not a very enjoyable time for adults. This is … Read more

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

The health effects of lycopene increase when tomatoes are cooked. Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Views 2 Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Modified 2023.12.22 16:12 Views 2 If you eat ramen with kimchi, you can exceed the recommended daily sodium intake with just one meal. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Ramen is really delicious. Even though we know that fried noodles and salty … Read more

Isoflavones from Soybeans: A Natural Remedy for Menopausal Symptoms and Blood Vessel Health with Perilla Oil

Isoflavones from Soybeans: A Natural Remedy for Menopausal Symptoms and Blood Vessel Health with Perilla Oil

Isoflavones from soybeans help relieve menopausal symptoms… Effects on blood vessel health along with perilla oil Entered 2023.12.21 20:20 Views 1,128 Entered 2023.12.21 20:20 Modified 2023.12.21 18:17 Views 1,128 Bean sprouts are rich in protein and isoflavones, making them especially good for menopausal women. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Representative foods made from soybeans include bean sprouts, tofu, and … Read more

Boosting Immunity and Heart Health: The Benefits of Adding Broccoli to Your Yogurt

Boosting Immunity and Heart Health: The Benefits of Adding Broccoli to Your Yogurt

Adding broccoli helps improve immunity and heart health… It also has a good texture. Entered 2023.12.19 18:22 Views 443 Entered 2023.12.19 18:22 Modified 2023.12.19 18:45 Views 443 What foods are good to eat with yogurt? Nuts are the most popular, but vegetables such as broccoli can also have a synergistic effect. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The number of people … Read more

Understanding the Symptoms of Various Diseases: Gum Disease, Nosebleeds, Respiratory Diseases, and the Possibility of Lung Cancer

Understanding the Symptoms of Various Diseases: Gum Disease, Nosebleeds, Respiratory Diseases, and the Possibility of Lung Cancer

Possibility of various diseases such as gum disease, nosebleeds, respiratory diseases… Lung cancer should also be checked. Entered 2023.12.18 19:26 Views 22 Entered 2023.12.18 19:26 Modified 2023.12.18 17:38 Views 22 If high fever persists and cough, yellow phlegm, and difficulty breathing appear after contracting the flu, complications such as pneumonia should be suspected. do. [사진=게티이미지] … Read more

Eating Dinner After 9PM Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by 28%

Eating Dinner After 9PM Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by 28%

If you eat dinner after 9pm… 28% higher risk of cardiovascular disease Entered 2023.12.16 09:10 Views 2 Entered 2023.12.16 09:10 Modified 2023.12.16 03:25 Views 2 Eating dinner late due to busy work or study can greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack (acute myocardial infarction). There are quite a … Read more

The Benefits of Soy Protein: Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms and Reducing Cholesterol

The Benefits of Soy Protein: Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms and Reducing Cholesterol

Soy protein contributes to alleviating menopausal symptoms and reducing cholesterol Entered 2023.12.15 19:30 Views 0 Entered 2023.12.15 19:30 Modified 2023.12.15 18:17 Views 0 Tofu is a food rich in protein as much as eggs. .It is especially good for middle-aged women as it is rich in essential amino acids, calcium, and iron. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] “What should … Read more

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Introduction of treatments for middle-aged chronic fatigue patients at the Korean Menopause Society Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Views 192 Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Modified 2023.12.13 17:07 Views 192 People who experience menopausal syndrome as they enter middle age feel chronic fatigue and their overall body function declines even though they do not have a specific disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]There … Read more

Using Lipstick and Shampoo: How to Avoid Skin Inflammation and Dull Hair

Using Lipstick and Shampoo: How to Avoid Skin Inflammation and Dull Hair

Using lipstick incorrectly can cause skin inflammation… Old shampoo can also make your hair dull. Entered 2023.11.11 07:30 Views 1,545 Entered 2023.11.11 07:30 Modified 2023.11.11 11:53 Views 1,545 Somehow it feels like a waste to throw away old cosmetics. However, if you keep it because it is a waste and use it only occasionally, it … Read more

Top 10 Bad Eating Habits to Get Rid of According to Nutrition Experts

Top 10 Bad Eating Habits to Get Rid of According to Nutrition Experts

‘Top 10 bad eating habits you need to get rid of right away’ according to nutrition experts Entered 2023.11.12 18:10 Views 1,484 Entered 2023.11.12 18:10 Modified 2023.11.12 07:29 Views 1,484 Relying too much on side dishes and convenience foods is also classified as a bad habit. The ‘rice and vegetables’ style diet can reduce your … Read more