What foods to avoid so as not to get traveler’s diarrhea

Photo: Jan Vašek / Pixabay – The so-called traveler’s diarrhea, as the name implies, is the presence of loose and watery stools that are presented when we travel to certain places where the water is not clean or There is no safe food handling. Why do we get sick and those who live there don’t? … Read more

After a whole family is poisoned, when will eating “catfish” be toxic?

05:00 PM Sunday 23 February 2020 – I wrote – Shaima Morsi A couple and their three children were afflicted with food poisoning after eating a caramelized meal at home in Al-Rahmania Center, Beheira Governorate. In this regard, we explain to you the types of catfish and its harmful effects on health, according to what … Read more

Because of Qarmait meal .. 5 members of one family were injured by poisoning

03:15 am Saturday 22 February 2020 – The lake – Ahmed Nasra: A couple and their three children were afflicted with food poisoning after eating a caramelized meal at home in Al-Rahmania Center, Beheira Governorate. Al Rahmaniyah Central Hospital received: Yasser Y. A., 40 years old, Nabila S. 38, and her children, Jamal, 6 years … Read more

Poison Center: most cases of drug poisoning and we have sera for snake bites and scorpions

“A department for receiving emergency cases, an internal section for receiving cases of poisoning, and rooms for intensive care” .. This is what you can find inside the Poison Center at Ain Shams University Hospitals, which is considered a savior of poisoning patients and receives every day all kinds of poisoning cases between food poisoning … Read more