Rising Expectations for Chinese Youke’s Return to Korea Sparks Industry Revival

Rising Expectations for Chinese Youke’s Return to Korea Sparks Industry Revival

Expectations for return to Chinese Yuke continue to rise [인포스탁데일리=안호현 전문기자] ◇ Expectations to return to Chinese Youke continue to rise, etc. As the Chinese government has completely allowed Chinese group tours to Korea for the first time in six years, a stream of Youke (Chinese tourists) is continuing to enter Korea. International passenger ship … Read more

“Coffee Shortage: Rising Demand and Decreasing Harvest of Robusta Coffee”

“Coffee Shortage: Rising Demand and Decreasing Harvest of Robusta Coffee”

14 mei 2023 om 12:13Update: 27 minuten geleden Due to the high inflation, coffee drinkers are increasingly switching to cheaper types of coffee. As a result, there is more demand for the robusta variety, which is usually cheaper than arabica coffee. But farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with that demand. “Fewer … Read more

MN24 Complies with Good Press Etiquette and Editorial Responsibility Guidelines

MN24 Complies with Good Press Etiquette and Editorial Responsibility Guidelines

MN24 works after Be Careful poster rules for good press etiquette. See also Editorial responsibility. MN24 is not responsible for content on external websites to which links are made. All content is copyright 2023 © MN24. Midtnorsk Næringsliv – MN24 – is the region’s own website for news about the economy, business and innovation in … Read more

The oldest water treatment plant must become a playground, but the neighborhood is strongly against it

The oldest water treatment plant must become a playground, but the neighborhood is strongly against it

The oldest biological water purification plant in our country is located in Tilburg. But it is no longer in use, so what else can you do with it? The owner of the water treatment plant, the water board, organized a competition. The plan to open a playground with sports and catering facilities won. But the … Read more

Quarrel about digging up allotment gardens with PFAS: ‘Our world is breaking down’

Quarrel about digging up allotment gardens with PFAS: ‘Our world is breaking down’

The fence around the polluted allotment garden complex on the Sluisdijk in Helmond will be locked on Monday so that the soil can be cleaned up. The board is firmly opposed and does not think the cleaning is necessary. “It is fertile soil,” says chairman Jos Henraat. “If you put the shovel in the ground, … Read more

Order a cake with a message in Japanese and what makes all of Twitter marvelous

Order a cake with a message in Japanese and what makes all of Twitter marvelous

@LeonelMtzPR has revealed that his sister ordered a cake to celebrate their anniversary and had the great idea of ​​illustrating it with a message in Japanese. What happened next is now Twitter history. – “Today is my birthday and my sister had me put “congratulations” in Japanese (おめでとう!) on the chocolate plate on the cake … Read more

Impact of Consuming Sweetened Foods and Drinks for Health

Impact of Consuming Sweetened Foods and Drinks for Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Internal Medicine Specialist Rudy Kurniawan said that more and more young people are now exposed to it food and Drink sweetened. That’s why, it’s not surprising that young people in their 20s have diabetes. “In the past, diabetes was considered a disease of the elderly, now there is no age at all,” … Read more