“We serve as guarantors for a loan made by Bandesal”

“We serve as guarantors for a loan made by Bandesal”

Deputy Anabel Belloso, of the FMLN, questions the administration of the Development Bank of El Salvador (Bandesal) of funds obtained from loans whose guarantees have been approved by the Legislative Assembly. The Assembly approved guarantees for $ 240 million and will evaluate another for $ 35 million. “It is precisely the figure of being a … Read more

Twitter suspends account of youtuber related to Bukele accused of harassment against two former FMLN candidates

Twitter suspends account of youtuber related to Bukele accused of harassment against two former FMLN candidates

This Sunday, Daniela Genovez and Karina Sosa filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office against Roberto Silva. While the TSE will evaluate to remove the journalist credential with which he has entered the hotel where the final scrutiny is carried out. The Twitter account of Roberto Silva, a member of New Ideas and youtuber who … Read more

Red alert for pandemic as Assembly debates declare emergency | News from El Salvador

Red alert for pandemic as Assembly debates declare emergency | News from El Salvador

The government raised alert level and reduced number of people who can congregate. It also sought an exception regime, but was not endorsed. After several hours of a confinement of the deputies of the different legislative benches with lawyers and technicians, the Political Commission met at ten o’clock yesterday night behind closed doors to issue … Read more

Assembly Ready to Review Bukele’s Request for Coronavirus Emergency Funding | News from El Salvador

Assembly Ready to Review Bukele’s Request for Coronavirus Emergency Funding | News from El Salvador

ARENA and the FMLN will analyze the request with due controls. Schafik Hándal says he does not intend to give a “blank check”. Carlos Reyes that the officials do not think that with the money “his party began.” Deputies from ARENA and the FMLN were open to discuss the request for $ 2,000 billion that … Read more

Deputies denounced harassment of military in their homes | El Salvador News

Deputies denounced harassment of military in their homes | El Salvador News

Nidia Díaz of the FMLN and Mauricio Vargas, of ARENA, affirm that the order is “verbal” and comes from the government to take them “by force” with the Army to the Assembly to approve Bukele’s loan. After the president Nayib Bukele convene, through the Council of Ministers, to an extraordinary session for Sunday, deputies of … Read more

President Bukele confirms that Mexican company paid trip to Osiris Luna | El Salvador News

President Bukele confirms that Mexican company paid trip to Osiris Luna | El Salvador News

The president regretted the “leak” of information about the official’s trip. While ARENA and the FMLN ask to investigate what motivated a private company to pay for the trip to Mexico by private jet from Luna. “How good that it is confirmed that the man (Osiris Luna, Deputy Minister of Security) working was and not … Read more