Pharmacy Vaccine Reimbursement: A Global Look

Pharmacy Vaccine Reimbursement: A Global Look

Community pharmacies are increasingly playing a vital role in global healthcare systems, according to a new study by the International Federation of pharmacy. The research, which examined models in Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States, reveals the diverse ways these pharmacies collaborate with healthcare providers to deliver patient care. … Read more

More than 200 residents of Iași were hospitalized

More than 200 residents of Iași were hospitalized

More than 200 residents of Iși needed hospitalization, between October 21 and 27, 2024, due to severe respiratory diseases. During this period, 5,630 cases of acute respiratory infections were registered in Iași, with 297 fewer cases compared to the previous week. More than 200 residents of Iași were hospitalized due to severe respiratory infections Between … Read more

Health gets more than 8.6 million doses of flu vaccine for 2025 campaign

Health gets more than 8.6 million doses of flu vaccine for 2025 campaign

Ministry of Home Health to receive more than 8.6 million doses of flu vaccine to guarantee coverage for the following year, while ensuring that the same number of doses is used for this year, but with economic savings between 5 and 38 percent, equivalent to approximately 23,000 million pesos. The selection procedure was carried out … Read more

With the fluctuating weather and fall season… everything you need to know about the flu vaccine

With the fluctuating weather and fall season… everything you need to know about the flu vaccine

during autumnAnd with Weather variations The chances of catching the flu are increasing, and for this reason public health officials are calling for early vaccination, stressing that… Flu vaccine Annuals are the most effective way to protect against disease and reduce the severity of the disease. According to the Indianexpress website, influenza is a respiratory … Read more

WARNING SIGNS When should I take my child to the doctor? | SM Day News Information

WARNING SIGNS When should I take my child to the doctor? | SM Day News Information

Listen to this article Children’s hospitals and outpatient clinics are increasingly crowded during this time, among the many viral diseases that affect children. Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and Covid-19 infections are just some of the conditions that cause overcrowding in healthcare facilities. It is a question that worries many parents: when is it time … Read more

The flu vaccination campaign will begin

The flu vaccination campaign will begin

From here Monday 30 September will begin Influenza vaccination in Andalusia and, like every year, it will be done in an unusual way, between September 2024 and January 2025, with risk groups. It is important to remember, as noted Ana Isabel López, specialist in Family Medicine at the Motril Clinical Management Unitof necessity get vaccinated … Read more

The Ministry of Health will vaccinate Andalusian children against the flu in schools

The Ministry of Health will vaccinate Andalusian children against the flu in schools

La consejera de Salud y Consumo de la Junta de Andalucía, Rocío Hernández, ha anunciado este viernes en Córdoba, durante su participación en Los Desayunos, que organiza Diario CÓRDOBA, una importante novedad en relación con la campaña de la vacunación de la gripe durante la próxima campaña 2024-25 en la comunidad autónoma. Para mejorar la … Read more

Study Finds Flu Vaccine Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk: What You Need to Know

Study Finds Flu Vaccine Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk: What You Need to Know

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — A team of researchers from Spain discovered an unexpected relationship between injections flu vaccine and risk of stroke. The study sought to explore whether the flu vaccine could provide additional health benefits beyond protecting against influenza, such as reducing the risk of stroke. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the … Read more

Flu: New six-fold vaccine reduces risk of illness and death – 2024-03-07 20:36:06

Flu: New six-fold vaccine reduces risk of illness and death
 – 2024-03-07 20:36:06

University at Buffalo (UB) researchers in collaboration with colleagues from McGill University in Canada have developed a new recombinant influenza vaccine based on nanoliposomes and which in experiments appeared to outperform other existing vaccines, according to a publication in the scientific journal “Cell Reports Medicine”. The research team attached to the nanoliposome six proteins – … Read more