The situation is calming down, there is no longer any extreme danger in the Czech Republic, said Fiala

The situation is calming down, there is no longer any extreme danger in the Czech Republic, said Fiala

The upper and middle reaches of the rivers, which were flooded by extreme rains in the previous days, are now slowly receding. According to data on the flood website of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ), k Tuesday morning the number of places with a flood stage at 160, which is about 20 less than after … Read more

Zlín reports the 3rd level of flood activity – state of danger and evacuates residents

Zlín reports the 3rd level of flood activity – state of danger and evacuates residents

Around 8:30 in the morning I was awakened by the sound of the local information system. I shook my man next to me: “Wake up. Something wrong.” I got up and went to the window. It was raining heavily outside. Just like the last few days. A woman’s voice on the radio informed us about … Read more

Floods 2024: MSK declared a state of danger

Floods 2024: MSK declared a state of danger

The state of danger was declared by Governor Josef Bělica (ANO) after a meeting of the Central Flood Commission. It is the lowest of the crisis states that the authorities of the Czech Republic can declare in response to an extraordinary event; more serious crisis situations are a state of emergency, a state of threat … Read more

A man in Vysočina jumped into the flooded Bystřice for his dog

A man in Vysočina jumped into the flooded Bystřice for his dog

In the locality of Lužánky, where the river Bystřice flows, firefighters intervened at half past eight in the morning. “The man went to rescue his dog. By the time the firemen arrived, the man was already on the shore, the firemen rescued the dog, the man ended up in the care of paramedics,” described Petra … Read more