Image: 130 years ago, a flood killed in Prague. She also tore down the arches of Charles Bridge

Image: 130 years ago, a flood killed in Prague.  She also tore down the arches of Charles Bridge

Half past five in the morning on September 4, 1890. The flooded ruins grip the pillars of Charles Bridge in Prague so powerfully that the Gothic gem cannot withstand the pressure. Two arches collapse. Four hours later, another crashes. At that moment, several people end up in the predatory waters of the flooded Vltava. They … Read more

China, great fear for the Three Gorges Dam threatened by floods

China, great fear for the Three Gorges Dam threatened by floods

FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTBEIJING – the biggest test for the colossal Three Gorges Dam. A test that keeps China anxious. It has been raining almost relentlessly since June and the Yangtze, swollen by dozens of tributaries, is pouring 76 million liters per second into the basin in the central province of Hubei. The water level in … Read more

A drunk paddler fell out of a canoe while driving down Moravia, police officers are looking for him

A drunk paddler fell out of a canoe while driving down Moravia, police officers are looking for him

ČTK Updated 22 minutes ago – While sailing Moravia near Moravičany in the Šumperk region, a 26-year-old paddler fell out of an inflatable canoe and was swept away by a current. The accident happened on Sunday evening, alcohol probably also played a role. Police and firefighters immediately began searching for the young man, but they … Read more

China: Floods in Sichuan Province. 12 people were killed in the day, the water pulled the cars in

China: Floods in Sichuan Province.  12 people were killed in the day, the water pulled the cars in

At least 12 people were killed and about 7,000 were evacuated due to the flood wave that hit Sichuan Province in China. Heavy rain and the resulting rapid rise in water levels in the rivers led to landslides and washing up the highway, causing two cars to fall into the river. – Floods in the … Read more

Storms with torrential rains are threatening the whole country. Big water can flow from the Jeseníky Mountains – ČT24 – Czech Television

Storms with torrential rains are threatening the whole country.  Big water can flow from the Jeseníky Mountains – ČT24 – Czech Television

The storms will proceed from the west. For the west of Bohemia, the warning against storms applies from Sunday 13:00 to 20:00, for the rest of Bohemia from Sunday 15:00 to Monday 03:00 and for Moravia and Silesia from Sunday 18:00 also to Monday 03:00. According to meteorologists, there is a risk of rapid flooding … Read more

Strong storms have arrived in the Czech Republic! They have to hit the whole republic

Strong storms have arrived in the Czech Republic!  They have to hit the whole republic

From Sunday 1 pm to 8 pm, a warning of strong thunderstorms is in force in Pilsen, Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem regions. Meteorologists also warn against them from Sunday 6pm to Monday 3pm in the morning South Moravian, Olomouc, Zlín a Moravian-Silesian Region. “Locally, torrential rain is expected with a unique distribution of … Read more

Bloomberg floods millions of California to get their heads in the Democratic primary | U.S

Bloomberg floods millions of California to get their heads in the Democratic primary | U.S

Michael Bloomberg at an event in Oakland, California, in January. On video, profile of the Democratic candidate. PHOTO: REUTERS | VIDEO: EPV The candidate of the primaries of the Democratic party that appears most on television in the United States has won nothing so far. He didn’t even show up. New York tycoon and former … Read more

the Interior SPF reactivates the number 1722

the Interior SPF reactivates the number 1722

Posted on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 10:06 p.m.— The Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (IRM) issues a weather warning. The Interior SPF therefore temporarily activates the nudemero 1722. – – The Federal Interior Service decided to reactivate the number 1722 on Wednesday evening, due to the bad weather warning issued by the Royal Meteorological … Read more