New Hampshire Charter Boat Fisherman Concerned About Climate Change and Politics

New Hampshire Charter Boat Fisherman Concerned About Climate Change and Politics

“Politically, I’m a realist. I mean, I’m a conservative at heart. Less government is always better. That’s kind of the New Hampshire way. I’m a charter boat fisherman. I’m pretty active in the commercial fishing business here. I do a little bit of cod and haddock fishing, but primarily striped bass. Yeah, bring them up, … Read more

French Ministry Raided Over Neymar Transfer Tax Breaks Investigation

French Ministry Raided Over Neymar Transfer Tax Breaks Investigation

To this day, Neymar is football’s record transfer. PSG once paid more than 220 million euros for the goalscorer. But this change caused a new stir years later. The French Ministry of Economy and Finance was raided on Monday. The background is the suspicion of tax breaks in the case of Neymar’s record transfer. This … Read more

Is it safe to eat seafood during pregnancy? Expert advice on types and amounts to consider

Is it safe to eat seafood during pregnancy?  Expert advice on types and amounts to consider

There is no need to avoid it unconditionally, the type and amount are important… avoid raw foods. Entered 2024.01.01 08:14 Views 69 Entered 2024.01.01 08:14 Modified 2023.12.31 11:15 Views 69 Consuming seafood during pregnancy is not a problem if you pay attention to the type and amount.[사진=클립아트코리아]When you’re pregnant, what you’re most concerned about and … Read more

6 Mood-Boosting Foods to Fight Depression and Improve Your Mood

6 Mood-Boosting Foods to Fight Depression and Improve Your Mood

Entered 2023.12.31 17:30 Views 198 Entered 2023.12.31 17:30 Modified 2023.12.31 18:18 Views 198 There are foods that fight depression and improve your mood. These foods are rich in nutrients and have nerve-stimulating properties that improve mood. Assists in the production of transmitters. [사진=클립아트코리아] The more depressed you are, the more you crave sweet food. However, … Read more

Liver Fluke ‘Klonorchis Sinensis’ Discovered in Raw Fish: Shocking Microorganism Found in Cholecystoscopy

Liver Fluke ‘Klonorchis Sinensis’ Discovered in Raw Fish: Shocking Microorganism Found in Cholecystoscopy

Microorganism discovered through cholecystoscopy… Liver fluke ‘Klonorchis sinensis’ found in raw fish Entered 2023.12.30 18:17 Views 1,279 Entered 2023.12.30 18:17 Modified 2023.12.30 20:18 Views 1,279 A ‘monstrous creature’ reminiscent of the movie ‘Alien’ was discovered in the abdomen of a 70-year-old man. It looks like a parasite wriggling like a worm inside an apple. [사진=뉴욕포스트 … Read more

How to Increase Calcium Absorption: Yogurt Rich in Calcium and Tofu

How to Increase Calcium Absorption: Yogurt Rich in Calcium and Tofu

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

Best Foods for Stress Relief: Vitamins, Lycopene, and Calcium

Best Foods for Stress Relief: Vitamins, Lycopene, and Calcium

Rich in nutrients such as vitamins, lycopene, and calcium to relieve stress Entered 2023.12.23 12:05 Views 1 Entered 2023.12.23 12:05 Modified 2023.12.23 09:41 Views 1 Sweet potatoes, which are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, help improve your mood. [사진=클립아트코리아] 2023 is not far away. This is not a very enjoyable time for adults. This is … Read more

Ancient Predatory Lamprey Fish Fossil Discovery in China from the Jurassic Period

Ancient Predatory Lamprey Fish Fossil Discovery in China from the Jurassic Period

Jakarta – Paleontologists in China have discovered fossils of ancient fish predators from the Jurassic period. This fish is a type of jawless fish which is often called lamprey. Physically, lamprey fish have a shape similar to eels. The difference is, lamprey fish have a disc-shaped mouth with very sharp teeth. This fish is also … Read more