Cameroon News :: Tragedy in Douala: Two Victims of a Terrifying Landslide in the Nyalla District :: Cameroon news

Cameroon News :: Tragedy in Douala: Two Victims of a Terrifying Landslide in the Nyalla District :: Cameroon news

A tragedy heartbreaking attack struck two families last Saturday in the Nyalla district of Douala. Two young people, aged 25 and 30, were victims of a landslide of land that buried them alive. The tragedy occurred last night in Nyalla Village, plunging the community into sadness and mourning. According to information collected on site, the … Read more

New Tatra T815-7 Force Firetruck: Powerful and Reliable Equipment for Firefighters

New Tatra T815-7 Force Firetruck: Powerful and Reliable Equipment for Firefighters

Today, probably everyone knows that firefighters do not only fight against fire, but also intervene in traffic accidents, save kittens from trees and perform a number of other useful activities. From time to time, however, these men and women in fireproof armor need to be replaced, and so does their technology. And just one fresh … Read more

Fires in Kuwait: Timely Intervention by Fire Brigade Saves Trapped Residents

Fires in Kuwait: Timely Intervention by Fire Brigade Saves Trapped Residents

Kuwait City: A fire broke out in a house in Kuwait. A fire broke out in a house in Al Waha area. But with timely intervention, the fire brigade extinguished the fire very quickly. The Central Operations Department received a phone call informing them about the fire. People were also trapped inside the burning house. … Read more

Handcuffed Corpse Found in Cistern of a Chalet in Tenerife: National Police Investigation

Handcuffed Corpse Found in Cistern of a Chalet in Tenerife: National Police Investigation

They find a handcuffed corpse in the cistern of a chalet in TenerifeE.D. Agents of the National Police investigate the case of a body that was located on the morning of this Wednesday, April 12, in Tenerife. The body was inside a cisternin it municipality of The Realejos. The events occurred shortly before 11:00 a.m. … Read more

After the Storm: Burebana Region Recovers from Severe Flooding

After the Storm: Burebana Region Recovers from Severe Flooding

The water gives a truce in the Burebana region and after the continuous waterspouts of recent days -the strongest recorded on Monday afternoon in Briviesca- during yesterday only small storms were dropped that did not affect the lives of the residents . As if it were magic, the city woke up with hardly any mud … Read more

Five-Vehicle Collision in Angers Causes Three Minor Injuries

Five-Vehicle Collision in Angers Causes Three Minor Injuries

A collision between five vehicles, at the level of the avenue de l’Atlantique this Friday noon, in Angers, caused three minor injuries, reports the Western Mail. A little before 12:30 p.m., this Friday, June 5, five cars collided on Avenue de l’Atlantique in Angers. Seven people were present in the vehicles. Only three of them, … Read more

“Child’s Head Gets Stuck in Biscuit Tin in Jakarta: Mother Shares Panic and Relief”

“Child’s Head Gets Stuck in Biscuit Tin in Jakarta: Mother Shares Panic and Relief”

Jakarta – A two year old child in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta crying in pain as his head got stuck biscuit tin Eid. The mother, U (33), described a moment of panic when she saw her child’s head stuck in a biscuit tin. “Yes, I feel nervous, panic. How yes, her name is also mother, I’m … Read more

Fire affects San Francisco de Borja Church in Santiago

Fire affects San Francisco de Borja Church in Santiago

Chilean Firefighters deployed to the scene as a result of the emergency. This Saturday afternoon, a fire affected the San Francisco de Borja Churchin the commune of Santiago, Metropolitan region. As a result of the emergency, personnel Chilean Firefighters was deployed in place to be able contain the flames. Until now, the causes of the … Read more