Gas leak in Baden-Baden prompts large-scale fire brigade deployment

Gas leak in Baden-Baden prompts large-scale fire brigade deployment

Baden-Wuerttemberg Large-scale deployment of the fire brigade in Baden-Baden after a gas leak 05/30/2023, 10:01 p.m Baden-Baden (dpa / lsw) – Because of a gas leak, there was a large-scale operation by the fire brigade in Baden-Baden. According to the city, construction workers damaged a gas line in a vacant old people’s home in the … Read more

“Product Leak at Compo in Krefeld Port: Firefighters Rushed to Scene”

“Product Leak at Compo in Krefeld Port: Firefighters Rushed to Scene”

Krefeld Numerous firefighters in Krefeld rushed to the port. A product was released at Compo. Numerous members of the fire brigade in Krefeld rushed to Compo in the Krefeld port on Tuesday night. The reason was the notification of a product leak in the factory. Five employees were examined as a precaution. After measurements, the … Read more

“Forest Fires Break Out in Brandenburg: Smoke Reduces Visibility on Freeway”

“Forest Fires Break Out in Brandenburg: Smoke Reduces Visibility on Freeway”

In Kleinmachnow near Berlin, the forest burned on Whit Monday. The smoke reduced visibility on the nearby freeway. Several smaller forest fires broke out in Brandenburg at Pentecost. A large burning pile of wood triggered a forest fire near Kleinmachnow in the Potsdam-Mittelmark district near Berlin. The burning area is between 100 and 200 square … Read more

Dangerous weather phenomena in Kazakhstan on May 22

Dangerous weather phenomena in Kazakhstan on May 22

Kazhydromet issued a weather forecast and a storm warning for May 22. According to weather forecasts, a thunderstorm and rain are expected in many regions of the republic, and a high fire danger remains in several regions, reports. Forecast of the synoptic situation and hazardous weather phenomena on the territory of Kazakhstan on May … Read more

“Four Injured in Car Accident at Intersection of Aktienstr. / Eppinghofer Str. in Mülheim, Germany – June 2nd, 2022”

“Four Injured in Car Accident at Intersection of Aktienstr. / Eppinghofer Str. in Mülheim, Germany – June 2nd, 2022”

Mülheim an der Ruhr (ots) On Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 at around 9:00 a.m., the fire brigade control center was informed of an accident at the intersection of Aktienstr. / Eppinghofer Str. informed. As a result, several ambulances, an emergency doctor vehicle, an emergency vehicle and the management service to the site were alerted. For … Read more

Major Forest Fire on Czech-German Border: Suspect Arrested for Endangering the Public

Major Forest Fire on Czech-German Border: Suspect Arrested for Endangering the Public

Major fire on the German border: there is a fire in a Czech national park. Memories of a disastrous fire in the past year quickly come to mind. On Ascension Day, a forest fire broke out in the Czech National Park Bohemian Switzerland near the border with Saxony. Emergency services were able to bring the … Read more

“Successful Defusing of 250-Kilo WWII Bomb in Frankfurt: Hesse Explosive Ordnance Clearance Service Completes Operation”

“Successful Defusing of 250-Kilo WWII Bomb in Frankfurt: Hesse Explosive Ordnance Clearance Service Completes Operation”

Frankfurt am Main (ots) Shortly before 7 p.m., the Hesse explosive ordnance clearance service was able to report the successful completion of the defusing of the 250-kilo World War II bomb. All residents affected by the evacuation were able to make their way home. Around 1,800 people had to leave a danger zone defined by … Read more

Patient transport train requested by Essen fire department for defusing operation

Patient transport train requested by Essen fire department for defusing operation

Mülheim an der Ruhr (ots) The fire department of the city of Essen requested a patient transport train for 10 people (PTZ-10) today. Today’s patient transport train consists of two ambulances, six patient transport vehicles and a lead vehicle. According to the existing concept, the aid organizations German Red Cross, Johanniter Unfallhilfe and the Malteser … Read more

“Three Siblings Killed in Tragic House Fire in Gernsbach, Parents Mourn Loss”

“Three Siblings Killed in Tragic House Fire in Gernsbach, Parents Mourn Loss”

Gernsbach (Baden-Württemberg) – A framed photo of three children stands next to candles and tulips, leaning against a burned down house in the Black Forest village of Gernsbach (Baden-Württemberg). Amelia (4), Alessio (8) and Adelin (14) smile at the camera. But their parents will never hear that child’s laughter again. The three siblings died in … Read more